:railroad: Railroad

There’s so many hours of content. So yeah.

If only Biden was sharp enough to point those things out at the debate instead of mumbling nonsense.

How are they going to handle practices? Like if you school the kid Lebron will want you benched. The team will not be as sharp because they won’t be practicing the right way.

Laker fans, please boo him! Don’t fall for this crap. You will get national tv spots because of this stunt. Please boo! I will respect you if you do for the first time in my life.

Sanders/Cortez is who I want. Best policies to save the country. No compromise with fascists.

This is probably a negotiating tactic. It’s happened before, lol.

Clint Dempsey never waited too long to get a shot off. He didn’t wait to see if he could get a tap in from a build up. He received it, turned, and struck it hard. I wish someone would teach our guys not to hesitate so much and be confident in shooting.

Charlie Slowes

It’s shocking to me that it’s him and not Gallo. But I think Rosario must have been competing with Winker for surviving the call ups.

Washington Nationals :was1:

If you get on MLB’s bad side they will villianize you. They will keep you from the Hall for not following orders. It’s not a small thing. MLB may even sabotage their championship run. They are very petty and have no oversight.

No matter what happens it will be a virtual tie going into the election. People can’t be moved to switch sides only moved to turnout or not. I would argue the Michelle Obama number is more of an approval rating not a serious thought about if she was running. If she replaced Joe she would be attacked 24 hours a day until she is tied with trump.

Charlie Slowes

He will probably be gone after 2026. That’s my realistic opinion. Unless someone amazing is available. Like if we have a shot at Terry Francona. But I doubt it.

The conspiracy is that they are writing rebuttals to their own Op-Eds which signals infighting about it at the times. The times is at war with itself. And every writer is getting in on it. I can only imagine the emails they are sending eachother.

I know, but they are covering every opinion possible for a reason. They have a history of defending Biden outside of the editorials. There is something going on over there that they are printing these op-Eds that contradict their colleagues op-eds.

Didn’t the times just write yesterday that we shouldn’t panic and stick with Biden? And the day before that they said we should panic? They just let themselves have every opinion so that we can’t say they were wrong?

It is interesting, but only because horrible things are happening. Which is sad.

Charlie Slowes

71 wins last year shocked me. Before last season I thought they were a 60 win team.

When you hear the stories of left wing people in the Middle East, I have heard a number of them speak and they say they have to hide that they aren’t religious and don’t believe in capitalism or monarchy. It’s even a crime in a number of countries. Let’s not forget that one of the most famous businessmen from the Middle East was Osama Bin Laden’s father.

I only reacted to your comment negatively because of the association of capitalism with less violence which just didn’t ring true for what I have read.

Charlie Slowes

And this team is still over performing from what the roster is on paper. Give him a team that’s good on paper and he has this record and I’ll be the first to want him gone.

Capitalists are people who profit off the labor of others and own what the labor produces for them. Nothing more than that. I don’t think making money this way tempers extremism because anytime you see the socialist left wing types in the Middle East they tend to be persecuted and oppressed and they have to hide their beliefs. They are the ones against the strict Islamic laws.

I don’t know if that’s even true. Qatar, uae, Saudi Arabia all execute lots of people including women. All capitalist countries. I can’t even think of a single middle eastern country that isn’t a capitalist country, meaning these immigrants came from a capitalist country.