I know of one Mormon who killed himself cuz he was gay in a very Mormon homophobic family.*

*No, I cannot read minds but it looked that way to me.

Mormon Cult puts a huge amount of conditional love on people, which often results in mental health issues.

Hey! I have ADHD and you shouldn't be spreading harmful stereot-- why does the dude in the cartoon have so much hair?

What was I saying? Oh yeah. Submersibles should have spherical pressure vessels. 

Headcount is almost meaningless.  Do they have the best technology? Do they have the best training? Do they have the best leaders? No? Then who cares how much cannon fodder they have?

Yes. Many existing submersibles are compromised by not having spherical pressure vessels.  That was my original point. The Alvin is one example of a submersible with a sphere. One of several. https://www.whoi.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/top_231673.jpg 

Cylinders are used for less-capable subs because they're easier to make. You can bend a flat sheet into a cylinder. 

But as I already said, those subs don't go that deep. Really that is the difference between a submarine and a submersible.  Underwater vs bottom of the ocean. These are not the same.

The best time to escape from the Cult is after high school but before marriage. 

Once you're married,  even talking about leaving the Cult can put your marriage at risk.

There was a full sized Soviet sub which was in fact a chain of spheres strung together. For same wall thickness, material and design margins a sphere provides double the pressure capability of a cylinder.  The deeper you want to go, the more preferable a sphere is. Large subs cannot go to the deepest depths of the ocean.

A great example is the Alvin submersible owned by the US Navy. It is capable of going to the bottom nearly anywhere.  And it has a spherical pressure vessel.

Submersible pressure vessels should be spheres like this one, not cylinders like Oceangate.  (One of many issues with Oceangate. )

Independent voters are by definition the ones that think independently. As opposed to being in a Jim Jones MAGA cult. 

It is insanely dangerous how close he is going to the blade with his hands. Just nuts.


He is a traitor who tried to overthrow Democracy.  

You? I'm going with moron. Don't argue. The alternative is worse. 

There was no Biden on the jury.

Anyone supporting Trump is a moron, a traitor, or a foreign troll. I'm curious, which are you, Frosty?

Yes. As an Independent,  I picked the best candidate regardless of party. But now in the Trump Era, just putting the R by your name is solid evidence of evil, stupidity, or both. The R is disqualifying, just as KKK is disqualifing.

I refuse to vote for any Republican ever again, unless they stop the Trump support and attacks on the Elections and Justice System.

Aside from being absurd, most religion is downright boring.

I took a girl to Lagoon Amusement Park in Utah. We spent the whole day together riding the rides and enjoying the park. Resting on a bench in the evening, she told me "I don't even like you. I just wanted free Lagoon tickets."

It amazes me that Trump still has any support. Tribalism is a Hell of a drug. The Republican Party is dead, replaced by a Jim Jones cult.

It's weird. Whenever God talks to a person, he confirms what that person wanted anyway. What an amazing coincidence. 

I read that book 35 years ago and still remember it. That one stays with you.

Is there a single person who believes nothing ever happened with Stormy? That Trump, the loyal and disciplined man wouldn't play around on the side of his near-perfect marriage? Trump supporters,  do you believe him?

Making the front grill look like a vulva is a technical reason?