I have this one too! My kids play with it once in a while.

My personal opinion is the car at this point is really bad and it’s a minor miracle that Alex gets it into Q2 and sometimes Q3. Sauber is the only team Williams can reliably beat this season on pure pace so everything requires some luck.


The pendulum has swung back toward Danny a bit lately, and there’s still a lot of time left on the calendar. I say this as as Yuki fan too but for now whatever VCARB did to the car has really hindered his performance the last couple races.

PSA: Austria GP Topps Now Cards Live for Sale!FYI

Hi everyone,

There have been a lot of Topps Now posts on here recently (including from me!) so I wanted to let everyone know that the Austria GP cards are now available for purchase. I'm a big George Russell fan so I just picked up a 10-pack of his card, plus a couple bundles of the whole set. Good luck everybody!


I actually fell for this for a sec until the bear did a spin kick. 🤣

I’m worried with Jiri that Alex cracked his chin permanently and he won’t be able to just tank clean shots anymore like he did recently with Rakic. He needs to learn defense just to avoid becoming a Marlon Moraes.

KC has brought in a lot of semi-retired MMA fighters lately. Maybe they think the ruleset is safer because there’s no grappling threat so they can focus solely on striking defense. There’s also still gloves unlike BKFC (although they recently reduced the size to 4 oz when they had been heavier in the past).

The Vick KO was way, way worse than any KO/TKO I’d seen in KC the past couple years.

Same thing happened to Kenta Kobashi, who can also barely walk. Tetsuya Naito is barely hanging on right now due to accumulated injuries and Kota Ibushi’s neck and one of his shoulders is absolutely and permanently wrecked. The Great Muta spent 20+ years (basically the majority of his career) with barely functioning knees.

Worst case is of course Mitsuharu Misawa, who died from internal decapitation in his last match because his neck had been fucked so badly from years of high angle bumping.

Same here. The Low Ki/Jerry Lynn/AJ matches in TNA got me into ROH and the indies and made me a huge fan of indie wrestling back then.

Mia came up in CZW, she’d be the one I’d definitely mark first as willing to try this spot. It looked great.

Yeah we saw it recently with Nyck De Vries. He only got 11 total starts before he got booted and he’s never going to get near an F1 seat again. We’re about to see Logan Sargeant’s F1 career end for good too. At least with NASCAR there is some opportunity to make your way back, not really the case with F1 unless your last name is Schumacher (and even that is far from certain).

I mean Jordan couldn’t get his bum son into the league, just into Larsa’s meat hallway. It’s +1 on legacy points for LeNepotism, breaking the Space Jam tie.

Bill Simmons’ Book of Basketball has a recap of the broadcast of that draft and EVERYONE knew drafting Bowie was making a huge mistake as it was happening. It wasn’t even a mistake in hindsight, it was a car crash happening in real time.

David Benoit will never, ever wrestle. He’s been promising to do so for close to a decade and it hasn’t happened.

I guess beyond what we're posting it would be cool if people posted their opinions of sets and their value (not even monetarily, just if there's cool stuff or not would also be good). I'd love more discussions of checklists and upcoming releases, anything that helps people find enjoyment in collecting!

:4stripes:⬜ White Belt

This started to click for me a few months ago, for sure.

I think the white belt cycle is something like "I have no idea what I'm doing so try to overpower whatever's going on" -> "I know some moves now so if I spaz out and throw a ton of wild feints maybe they'll fall for it" -> "relax, secure a position and move with intent."

Yeah definitely not me. I personally think a lot of fans are too oversensitive about "racing etiquette." Dumb dangerous stuff, especially if it's intentional? Yeah call out it. Gamesmanship that toes the line of legality like what Max did should be a non-issue.

Haas Should Keep Magnussen

I’ve been thinking about this a lot and while a lot of the midfield/back marker teams want to shake up their driver lineup next year, I think it makes a lot more sense to keep KMag in light of what’s happening next season.

Haas has had a lot of bad luck with younger drivers in past seasons, and while Ollie Bearman is Ferrari-contracted, a seat there won’t be open for another 2-3 seasons at least.

I say this as someone who actually is an Ocon fan and knows he’s more talented than KMag. Ocon, deserved or not, has a reputation as a toxic teammate, which would be really detrimental to a new-to-F1 driver. KMag at least has shown he’s willing to play ball to stay in F1, and does well defending teammates in races. Magnussen has also been in the car for a couple years with the current regs and that familiarity can also help acclimate Bearman.

In short, if Bearman is developed in a more stable environment Haas can potentially get 2-3 seasons of quality driving that may exceed Hulk’s capabilities, whereas with Ocon Haas will probably be in the same spot with more long-term chaos.

Islam destroys him and I’m supremely confident of that result. I’ll throw the RemindMe! 6 months (is this how the bot works, I Googled) at this, and I’d be happy to admit I’m wrong.

:4stripes:⬜ White Belt

As someone who doesn’t give a flying fuck about whatever drama is happening with B-Team or New Wave, the upcoming ADCC/CJI stuff has made me skip over this sub a lot lately.

That said, I’m absolutely watching CJI (since it’s free). I just don’t care how the sausage is currently getting made.

I don’t completely understand why either, as Arman is just a smaller, less skilled version of Islam. The fight won’t be totally one-sided but the result will never be in doubt.

Smith just didn’t show up against a guy who isn’t a particularly good striker who was fighting up a weight class. He went from possibly getting a title eliminator next to making a case for being cut.

This is one of the dumbest things I’ve read on here in a while which says a lot.

Companies don’t give a single shit about your expense report unless you go way overboard with spending, or violate their policies with it.

Heck recently one of my coworkers managed to get a far cheaper flight for a conference than anyone else (by a few hundred dollars) and the accounting department flagged her for upgrading to business class even with that lower price. It’s bureaucratic nonsense than doesn’t even get seen by higher-ups.

If Alex decisively beats Ankalaev by UD or finish, then I think we can talk about a GOAT discussion. He’s pretty much the last challenge he has at LHW, I don’t think anyone else currently in the top 10 can touch him. Rakic could maybe grind out a 5 round decision win if he’s extremely careful, but I think that’s it otherwise.