Ok, you're a retard. Cool. Don't care enough to talk to you.

I do not give fuck about what you think and what you don't. It shouldn't have taken Gojo that long to clear just transfigured humans if he was Mach 3. Shut up, and learn how to powerscale.

"I won't listen to the written proof you send and will make my decision based on my agenda! I'm a smart individual!"


Gojo is Mach 3 lmao, nice wank, vs Low balled Mach 500 Kakashi.

"Muder blitzes" you should learn how to type first, ngl.


The raikage is stated to be light speed. Hell, even Haku in P1 is light speed. Nice argument kekw.

Kid Kakashi was fast enough to react to and cut lightning. Good try.

Yeah man, a character who can blow up planets probably wins against a verse which is apparently Mach 3. Your logic is just stupid, considering that you're scaling time based on anime. I don't care enough to argue with another retard today, so I won't be continuing this

Oh man, wow. I didn't expect someone would claim Gojo can dodge Goku's moves today. Damn. But it's probably 1 panel in the manga, the anime simply extends it. By your logic, Gojo is not even Mach 1.

There's no point in continuing in this conversation, if you believe that time is represented accurately in anime, then sure. You do you.

A normal human moving at even just Mach 1 on their own should rip them to pieces. You're applying real world laws to fiction. Obviously that's not gonna make sense.

Yeah man, scaling time based on how long the anime scene lasts is completely fair and isn't stupid at all. It's not like the chargup is 2 panels in the manga. Mhm.

I guess Gojo can dodge a kamehameha from Goku too now.

Also, by the end of WA, Kakashi can summon Kamui so fast that not even teleportation was enough to stop it. So that doesn't really change much here.

I sure do love adult Goji.


Gojo registers the sound and understands that it's supposed to mesmerize him. The explosion that follows is what gets blocked. Nice argument lmao. You're an actual clown, with the IQ of 10, who needs to stop gobbling that Gojo meat. You've provided a total of zero scans in this entire conversation, and have proven yourself incapable of processing the ones sent by someone else.

Nice one, thank you for displaying the fact that you're a retard!

I won't be replying to or reading any bullshit you send from this point on, so have a good one, and I hope you get the help you require.

Yeah, which he begins doing instantly by the end of the WA. The deidara fight was his first time using Kamui in combat, and Kakashi took an arm off him. Deidara is much faster faster Gojo, and Kakashi got his Kamui speeds much faster than this.

The scan proves that once locked, Kamui is undodgeable. What is your point again?

And saying "Erm Gojo wins because infinity" isn't unsatisying?

Characters will be scaled on the basis of the feats they display. Gojo can become faster than light and that's what he will scale him as.

Sure buddy.

If you're using how scenes in the anime are to scale characters, I guess Tanjiro is faster than Goku.

Idk what to tell you man, is a YouTube video more valid than this?

It's mentioned to be undodgeable, and Kakashi is way too fast for Gojo to be able to react to this. And obviously one verse scaling hugely above the other matters here, why wouldn't it?

Every single person that has dodged it is definitely a lot faster than Mach 3 lol. Also, saying that the Kamui Kakashi used on Deidara and the Kamuis Kakashi uses in WA are similar in speed is flat out dumb.

"A character that has light speed feats has no answer to these attacks which aren't even subsonic". How the fuck does Gojo land a single hit on Kakashi lmao.

Gojo, if he decided to keep his eyes covered, wouldn't even be able to register Kakashi. It's also in character for him to drop the blindfold when in an actual fight.

The brain refreshing simply wouldn't apply here. Your heart also beats autonomously, and doesn't require you to manually do much. However, that would not happen if your central nervous system just stopped working properly. Kakashi can do that.

Some of them are. Most of them aren't, unfortunately.

It is just teleporting that part of them to another dimension. Too bad an individual head cannot survive.

He states that he can't block poison, and the fact that a sound being created by creatures sent by an opponent to kill him isn't blocked means that he can't block it.

You're stupid, have provided zero relevant scans or feats, and have just been bullshitting around. This is my last reply, so yeah. Maybe take Gojo's meat out of your mouth next time!

Still a better source than "trust me bro".

Even if I consider your argument, Gojo's infinity couldn't even block poison or sound. What makes you think it can block chakra, which at the very least is traveling much faster than anything in JJK?

Aww, you ran out of arguments and are now gonna claim that the databooks are inaccurate? That's sad. You ran out of arguments fairly quickly for a person so confident.

I could probably explain the context the statements you bring up were made, but you're clearly not capable of processing that kind of information, so I guess I'm gonna pass on that.