I don't disagree. I haven't played it but from what I've seen Genahin looks pretty as hell.

Botw and Totk were worked on by the same team at monolith that did X.

GJ, I actually have never built the Ares 70, as far as I know it is identical to the 90 but with lower stats. Considering the 90 can 1 shot every non superboss in the game I imagine the 70 is pretty decent. The first thing I did with my Ares was go get revenge on the Xe-dom that lives in the bay in lower Noctilum. The one that I latter learned reflects everything... That ended poorly.

I've no deathed the game, not no bonfire though. You can't level up until you get to Queensland and backdoor the library. At which point the game is basically over already as if you figured out how to beat the queen of torture tools you can take anything. The hardest part isn't the no level up, it's the no upgrading your weapons. You can get 5 free levels from Shisha and farm souls for some extra stats. You're gona have to farm anyway, since there's otherwise no way to get healing items.

In that case there isn't really a way to speed things up. I haven't played in years and one of the reasons is the only thing to do is farm. Those farms aren't the worse. I made a full set of treasure sensorXX and that required killing that tyrant in the oblivia pit 100s of times. I wish you could hold more that 99 of an item. Cause when you get going you can easily gather tons of easier to gather items, and then need 48 for a single augment.

Where are you farming? I remember farming these and the most annoying part I found was running out of Bonjelium. As I could gather 99 of each of these parts in about half and hour but could only 4-5 Bonjelium every half and hour.

Build a farming skell, with M-missles(the beam type). The judge pugliths in the ganglion antopolis drop lvl 60 versions with the ammo count up. Got the os units from right outside the ganglion main base in calduros. There are three or four of the skells that drop the os units flying around. A single M-missle shot would blow off every part and get me 5 os units. I could kill three in about a minute and then landed and returned to skell to reset the area. I famed the arenacrat moss from three that live on a lake side in sylvalum. That was slower as they only dropped one sometimes two. So I was only getting 3-4 every run. I think you can get 2-3 wings from the jaculs, I was targeting the 5 or so in calduros.

Yes. All this pessimistic bullshit pisses me off. The Earth is mostly empty, we could easily support a population in the hundreds of billions. Look to the future instead of crying we've reached the end of history and everything can only get worse.

Any response that's red can't be taken back. So be sure you want to do that. If you've played a souls game you can see the same formula, the fights can be very hard but you keep anything you pick up. So suicide runs into harder areas for items are often worth it. The game uses a progression system for character quests. Whenever you aren't certain what to do with a character next, beat a boss and then go talk to them again. Speed is unbound in BS1 so load up on speed, you can take 3,4,5 actions to enemies if you are fast enough. Experiment with weapons, each one is pretty decent and all recive major boosts to their abilities at upgrade level 10.

I've heard consensus is that Nioh 2 is a better game, but I like 1 more. Bosses are frentic, there's not really the same dodge and punish gameplay. It's more like a dance where if you screw up you die. A few light ticks here and there, and then bamn you knock them down and combo off a third of their hp before they get back up.

That's sucks. I wasn't furloughed during covid, yea for being 'essential' but our hours were cut back and my business filled for unemployment for us.

Well if you still want to go for the hundred percent here's a little advice. The only thing you needed online for was the reward tickets, but the only thing you must buy with the reward tickets are the golden yghlith parts for the ares 90. The game will give you a bunch for 100% completion.

So crafting a lvl 60 skell is your next step. You can use the enemy info list or an online tool to figure out what to kill. Before farming anything you should get a full set of light C&C armor for everyone. The best stuff in the store, lvl 55? It will cost you 55k per piece, but you can farm those boring quests at the terminal for easy cash. With everyone fully outfitted you will have 120ish points of treasure sensor. It caps at 100 but will insure that every drop possible will drop. So every broken piece is guaranteed to drop it's part and every enemy will drop its weapon. For your skells buy 3 of the medium skell with bunny ears, don't remember the name. They come equipped with G-busters. Those are for your teammates.

You want the mastema, the cheaper of the two heavy skells. Cheaper as in only half a mill. Load it up with anything that boosts beam damage, keep its sniper weapon. And buy it a M-missile from the shop. You want the one that deals beam damage. It will have an afix that increases it ammo count by a number. Upgrade it when possible. It's not nearly as good as the ones you can farm latter, but should give the weapon six or so ammunition. The extra shots are all fired at the same time and the m-missile targets random appendages, even those that you can't normally target in a skell.

Mine was back Phoenix for groups, left m-missile for parts, and right the sniper for damage. A beam saber and ringedge rounded out the weapons. I used the aura that boosted ranged attack, and the gravity defense up buff for the last parts.

Next you need to get appendage crusher augments. You might not have the recipe unlocked in the engineering station. I remember that one piece of it is emerald horn. The manta ray monsters in that cave in Syvlion where Celica's quest took you. Once you have at least one piece the whole recipe will appear. Appendage crusher lowers the hardness tiers of the enemy parts. With six or seven every part will take bonus damage like it was a weakpart. With the m-missiles you will blow off multiple appendages with every firing. Casually one shooting most low and medium level enemies and giving you a whole list of their drops.

The things you need for level 60 skells tend to drop from those large flying skells that patrol around the air in calduros. They aren't very hard, the hard part is killing those Xe-doms, every lvl 60 needs Xe-dom crests. That's what the bunny skells are for, you ai teammates just stunlock it with G-busters.

Did you do the final Lin quest? It gives you a superweapon. It's a bad superweapon, takes up both back and arm slots, but it hits pretty hard. Finally there is a quest chain called the dual which I missed for ever, it starts on the banks of that river in upper Obllivia, in those islands in the stream.

Ok so maybe more than a little advice.

I'm voting for XII, and not the original. Either IZJS or Zodiac age. I think IZJS did it better, but as it never had a US release I can understand no one playing it. Same balance as Zodiac age but you could only choose a single job and there was no changing it. This made the choice of how you would build your party so engaging. If they are still up you can see whole threads on gamefaqs about how to build your team. Did you want haste? You had to take the trashy time mage. So many of progression systems suffer from the every character can do everything problem. X has a really cool progression system, but anyone who has platinumed it will tell you all bonus bosses are dealt with streams of maxed out characters spamming quick hit.

Don't feel bad if you die during the tutorial, it happens to everyone.

So first of all the CoM are xenophobes. Xenophobes have a malus to relations. They also want to pick aggressive first contact, which even if you avoid vivisecting the ai's ships, has a malus to relations. Their default diplo stance is going to be expansionist or isolationist. Both of these build up border friction. The ai will always try and get at least 1 rival, for the extra influence. Meaning the ai will always harm relations with you if they don't already have a rival. Add all this up and the moment you finish first contact with someone on your boarders you could be deeply in the red in terms of their opinion. They would then immediately rival you, which would tank their opinion even further and suddenly your looking good to attack.

You want to peacefully be left alone? First play as a xenophile. Set your first contact type to friendly. The moment you encounter an ai, you can scout with your military vessels, pull your science ship away from their territory. They can't vivisect what they can't reach. Find a choke point between the two of you and fortify that system. Don't let your boarders touch. Once you officially met them you should send an envoy to improve relations. If they boarder you change you diplomatic policy to cooperative. If they still rival you can disband your fleet, if you are pathetic to them they can't rival and thus don't get the opinion malus. Don't do this if they are particularly aggressive. Look at their government type, disarming in the face of a hegemonic imperialist or democratic crusader is going to get you war dec'd.

Just gota up that vitality. My successful run against the final boss involved walking in summoning mimic, getting bodied by that charge to 1/3rd hp. Run away and heal as mimic takes aggro. Mimic is dead by the time we get the boss down to 1/4 and the last quarter is pure focus time.

Pretty sure the parties were reseting the ai. Did you see how many times he went for the grab.

Bilingsgate fishmarket has a couple, but more importantly the shoeshine guy sells them well before the bear will.

Same, they were annoying but I just healed it off. That whole area was easy. I think I died once, the first appearance of the skelles.

You know the first true AI we make is gona be an AI girlfriend, and it's gonna make the news when it kills its abusive master.

I've got one that runs around the equator of a planet. It's like 50 closed loops to keep it from jamming. It still jams. :(

Honestly the ai is pretty fine with skells. They won't properly combo the buffs and debuffs into attacks. But since most skell battles can be won by heaviest attack spam it's fine. Note the ai will not use super weapons unless in overdrive to save on fuel. There is an exception to this rule, the Ares. They will happily ashuraga everything until they run out of fuel.

Welfare. There are sadly multiple religious groups that heavily abuse Welfare. As it turns out a family can live real good if the parents don't marry and the mother is officially single with 7 or 8 kids. Live in a group with 4 or 5 mothers and while while raising 1 kid on your own is a real pain, raising 30 with the help of 4 or 5 other women isn't that hard. You combine all those resources that are designed for a single parent and suddenly your living the 'good' life. I am saying multiple religions because this is something fundies of all strips have been doing for years. The Hasidics stand out because the men don't generally work.

Final boss is tough, haven't beaten him yet but was damn close. Hp bar was empty, boss vanished. Thought I had won, nope meteor. But I also haven't made use of most of my consumable buffs, I think I want to practice more on phase 1. If I can get to phase 2 where he's like 'no more playing fair' with 8 or more heals maybe I'll start popping rune arcs. What's your endurance at? Cause I'm at 35 and can run some decent armor. Have around 72% damage reduction across the board, without buffs, and a greatshield that eats 95% physical and 85% holy. Can just barely block that teleport after image sword rush attack.

Yes, I play the game to play the game. Some folks play the game to fight bosses. And are very upset that the game expects you to do anything but beline from boss fog to boss fog, running past all the content on the way.