It would be odd for it to have less with recruitment system

Speaking of which, I still don't understand why does it take a whole loading screen to switch operative

It's not like you can turn the wheel 360 on 80 mph and expect your car to make 90° turn with perfect grip irl

No way a driller is a straight line. The only thing I see are a constant spirals

I want to hop in too. This post is funny and don't deserve all the hate you receive

Isn't the Jurassic Park car placed there?

Let's see. Characters I would say that about are (might make mistakes in names): Arabelle, Eve, Yugine, Vishuva, Ogma, Gabriel, Parvati, Rey, Lorainne, Vynette, Rue, Lylit, Sohee, Orca, Kanna, The one in MPT (forgot her name), Ms. Chrom, Sumire, Pymon (technically), Rosette, Vin Ling, Toga, Lucy, Crossele and, of course, Karina

That makes 25 out of approximately 70 female characters. It's far from 80%, so your claim doesn't endure

Open it in the web browser, right click/long tap on the video, download

Huh, apparently my 80 MB gif is 2 MB mp4

The most I did was getting behind that bookshelf. Didn't think it was possible, however now I don't see any reasoning for it

Had no inspiration neither for background, nor for track colors and effects

I mean, I could've added blizzard for the most part of the map, but it seemed too messy for me

I can't, because I agree. Mostly the only rewards you get from following meta are gems and medals. And why would you need more gems if you already enjoy the gameplay? Besides, the difference between first places and common ones is not that big. For raids you can find some casual guild and if there would be at least two more regular players no matter the teams you will easily get into sub-1000s.

The only problems are story and co-op. And while I can't say much about story, I expect devs to balance heroes for co-op. And if they refuse to do so... let's just say I'm taking this as a challenge

And I wanted to share one more thought: this season via blessings and engravings made the game a little bit easier for hero mainers

People have this weird stigma for Ai thinking it’s bad because

Funny how this state immediately proved itself

Yes, you can. Though it may look different from what you expect:

Maybe the game doesn't get permissions to edit save?

I had this problem one time with another game and keep suggesting it to everyone

Tbh, amongst all of the characters Aiden kills throughout the game, Maurice is the one who I least cared about