They all know they have more than they need in reality. They know there are many that don't. They do nithing about it.

Most people don't understand how easy it is to end up behind bats. Eaprcially in countries where its big business

The jobs trumpettes dont want.

I am guessing there are lots of people that are grateful you got the role. The work you have done since for Vets has been amazing. There have been many actors with opportunity to make positive change. They have not all taken the opportunity like you have. You are a very special person and the world is a better place becauae of it.

I am glad we dont have the death penalty in New Zealand but we still lock people up for stuff they didn't do. Biggest problems with that is they have to admit it to get parole. So if you maintain innocence to a life sentence you won't ever get out.

If I get my head down at 8 PM it won't be such ab issue for the off 2am Wake up

Super stoked for you. I know you can keep it going. Bet it feels great to know you can do it now.

Cliffs of Dover or ology by living colour. Both life changing moments for my playing life

Only way to heal the pain is to get rid of the evidences. You can send it to me and never have to see it again

People are stupid and they want to believe the left are evil. Makes it ok for them to carry on with their evil shit

If I have a scorpion and a mosin I consider myself geared. Dump the rest. Both have ammo every where and a scorpion mag in cqc will shred anyone if you dont potato

Remember she geta a vote

Why the hate for Jim Beam? I love Islay whisky so dont really drink bourbon but I've never found JB particularly offensive as a drink

Apparently the longer video puta the first cop who got hit in a lot better light than the responding one

This is why I haven't been away without my pups for a looooong time. Poor baby, I hope she isn't too uncomfortable

Boy friend is a hypocrite if he is having sex before marriage but claims to be prolife. OP definitely NTA

I worked for Corrections and I always remember one of the senior staffs stories. Easentially they had a prisoner that would smear excrement all over every inch of his cell apart from the corner he sat in. It was his idea of a power move against staff. One Day when he was in the yard the officer devised to take a huge dump in this prisoners cell corner. Not the most depraved thing I encountered butbi thought a lighter story might be nice with some of the stuff in this thread

Its funny. I've been a managers for 15 years and many non anti work colleagues are perplexed at how I get results. Its pretty simple. Your team are as important if not more so. I can't get anything done without them but every thing carries on when I'm away. What perplexed me ia how others just dont get it.