People will hate me..

I used a fantasia to become a Lalafell, just to take pics in those houses and then changed back to a Viera while also adjusting things compared to before I used the fantasia

I recommand getting the early zones out fast.

The last 2 zones are soloable later on in the expansion. So keep them for when you need gemstones

Except that Dawntrail managed to keep me engaged in the story, can‘t say that for Stormblood. And even then. Those fights are more banger than what I‘ve seen from Stormblood.

If the rest of Dawntrail can hold up then Dawntrail wiill be better than Endwalker in all but its story.

Monk just continues to be good. It‘s slightly dumped down but no I actually have to think about which buttons to press lol

You will have to put the worlds back together when switching to Fabric as Bukkit and via that Spigot, Paper and Purpur save the other dimensions in individual folders, while Fabric does not. But from what I‘m aware you only yneed to copy a file from the nether and from the end to the actual world folder.

I advice looking that up tho.

There is still things like plugins that don‘t work on Fabric. And having to update their mods everytime you release a new version of Minecraft seems like a lot of work. Which might out people of from porting.

Minecraft really needs a optimization and bug fix update.

On Java, it will optimize the games performance. Which isn‘t too much a problem in my opinion. But whatever. In Bedrock that update should undo a lot of the bugs pressent in it. Like those bugs where you can simply just die because no idea.

My Viera also changed a bit but I‘m starting to get used to it before I have a chance to get back to my proper gaming pc. And I don‘t want to use my free fantasia without being on the setup I am usually at.

I just gotten to the first trail (haven‘t done it tho) and I find it sort of refreshing. It‘s start is slow but I don‘t mind that much.

Honestly, it gets better after the pot village. You end up fighting more mobs again and things actually start to get out of hand a little.

The new emperor set did not get a new thing. But that slot is an apperance only slot and does not contribute to your ilvl or stats. Just leave it empty when you don‘t want to wear glasses

To add to that. Instead of a 1 time dragon kick 1 time bootshine 1 time twin snakes, 1 time true strike 1 time Demolish, 2 times snap punsh

It is now a: 1 time gragon kick, 1 time bootshine 1 time twin snakes, 2 times true strike 1 time demolish, 3 times snap punsh.

Furthermore: Because you don‘t have the 10% buff anymore or the damage over time effect. You don‘t need to use twin snakes early when you go into either 2 min or 1 min bursts. It might take some time to adjust but that‘s the dawntrail monk

Lalas actually look good now. And I considered myself a lala hater

I will probably use it, to change my characters ears and height.

But I‘m not the biggest fan of my buns face so maybe I need to change that as well. But I‘m on my Mac and not my powerful PC so will not make any changes until I‘m back home

May we just talk about that actually working for Viera?

As others have said: You picked a bad time to start as the game is currently in maintenance from Endwalker to Dawntrail.

Also: Don‘t be freaked out when the game does go online again: Its a new expansion and people want to play. Queue time might be long and have been really long during the launch of Endwalker 2 and a half years ago.

All of that is to say: Expect queue time to be long again. While the devs have implements a few messures against that (Like adding new Datacenters, re adding the 30min afk kick). You might have to wait to get on for some time.

Once things have sort of normalized in 3 month things should be back to normal. Which a queue of about 40 people that takes 20 seconds to get through.

You really have to be good with Bedrocks RTX.

I have played the Bedrock edition with all sorts of RTX capable texture packs and well.

They can look insanely good. But I‘ve seen multiple packs where things wheren‘t properly implemented like stones having no normal maps and are very reflective nearly like water. Which really made things look less normal.

As for Java Shaders, I haven‘t seen one that has RTX (Or rather Path Tracing) and looks great. The one I personally think looks best, doesn‘t recognize end rods as a light source so my base is mostly dark with it on.

I‘m currently mostly using Complementary Reimagined cuz it‘s just good shaders with vanilla look.

That 16 damage critical direct hit is really low in terms of damage

Pistons used to be this slightly buggy mess.

You could create weird items by placing it into a crafting table while water pushed you into a nether portal. Once that happened you got that item twice. One you could just pick up, the other one… was seemingly infinite. I used this to dupe diamond blocks.

Running wasn‘t a thing. The food bar wasn‘t a thing.

If you wanted to build anything big you would either have to farm a lot of stuff, or use mods, there wasn‘t a creative mode.

All types of logs would give you the same kind of planks.


Endwalker: Healers are already unnecessary.
Dawntrail: Gives healers INSANE buffs (Looking at Seraphism) while making them even less needed

I'm starting to feel like they really don't want healers to exist...

Scholar tho seems to look dope...
Seraphism giving Scholar a massive healing boost. And the combo action of chain Strategem Giving enemies a 140 potency DOT as an AoE ability?. Sure sign me up

NN is soo much server based that you might as well be rolling a d20
Get 18 - 20? Congrats you have a good NN
Get 12 - 17? Your servers NN is OK: but certainly not OK.
Get 1 - 11? NN on your server is absolutely loaded with elitist idiots.

There is one thing that I hope for the future. YoshiP said towards WeskAlber on the media tour that they want update social systems in general. Starting with the black list. but that they do wish to update the friends list and later the mentor system too. I just hope they actually make good on that and give more possiblility to deal with bad mentors.

Lvl 100 isn't a thing yet. In Limsa you may see a lot of people on lvl 90. But the next 10 lvls are comming once Dawntrail comes out like 3 weeks.

The coils of Bahamut are more in terms of Savage difficulty.
You do manage to fill older extreme fights with df because of mentor roulette, but this isn't extreme.

The coils, as well as all the savage fights and current expansion extremes are essentially on their own in Duty Finder, not connected to any roulette.

Just use Party Finder to do this. It's going to be a bit harder tho than other content.

There is an other option: Take a friend who is max level and unsync the fights.

With that, EUs 3rd Data center shall be the smallest dc I know with only 3 worlds while dynamis is upgraded to a full data center in NA... Well, at least in terms of size.