I love chopped salad. Any chopped salad. That one looks amazing.

I live in Philly, in the city, and there are lots of great neighborhoods where you will be safe and close to fun stuff to do. DO IT!

My own parents disapproved of pretty much everything I did when I was your age. I just ignored their noise and lived my life.

I drove past at least 10 entrepreneurs selling giant cheap looking teddies wrapped in cellophane by the side of the road this morning and I was like???? Does anyone want one of those? Where would an adult put one? Maybe I’m being unfair, but I would be appalled if one of my kids spent a single penny on an enormous, tatty, bright pink teddy on my behalf. Like where did I go wrong as a mother?

Here's how I was taught to dice an onion in cooking school.

You cut it in half from end to end, slicing through the pointy tip and the other end (the root end, I guess?) Cut the pointy tip off. Peel the onion. Slice from the cut off end to the root end several times, stopping just short of the root end. Give the onion a quarter turn and cut across the the slices you just made. The rings of the onion help turn it into a dice.

When you said sloppy though, it made me think that your knife is probably not sharp enough. It's ridiculous how much maintenance goes into a knife edge. I resharpen mine with an oil stone at least twice a year and rehone them with a steel every time I use them. And you need a good quality knife in the first place to sharpen properly.

I love cooking but totally understand why some people don't.

That pancake at Middle Child Clubhouse swimming in the citrus honey butter. Pair it with their latke/hashbrown situation. I love that meal.

I make that chicken schawarma too. It is a great weeknight meal.

When we had them, my (local) exterminators came quarterly, but also came when I called. We had just moved to the city and our neighbors were not great about controlling their critters so we had mice and possibly rats. I never saw either of them in our house, but we could see them in the neighbor's yard. The subscription was great for us then.

We are currently still in the city, but with less messy neighbors. One of my adult kids came home from an international trip with bedbugs last spring. We once again got a subscription, this time from a national extermination brand. They came once and sprayed the house for bedbugs, ghosted us the next time, came when I called and complained after the third time, and never showed up again. My kid did lots of diatomaceous earth around his room and we got rid of them. I believe that the initial visit from the national exterminator brand was helpful, but the subscription was useless, since they never showed up. They did let me out of my subscription pretty quickly when I complained.

Haha...I'm not sure I'd feel completely safe with her near my knives. She is...unpredictable?

Act very interested and ask lots of questions. Take out your phone and start taking notes. Make reference to other recent lies and call others over to hear all about the latest stories. Lean into it and I'll bet you can make him really uncomfortable. Make sure to bring the lies up when speaking to your bosses or visiting clients. Ask for frequent updates! Tell him that you are "looking" into one of his dumb lies because you'd like a similar experience. Ask him where you can do this. Ask if he has photos. Stop by his desk to check up on the latest developments.

ECE professional

I’m not sure if this is true everywhere, but in the state I live and work in there are 2 different licenses. In schools with daycare licenses they get inspected differently and teachers and caregivers can change children and assist with wiping. In schools with academic licenses the children have to be potty independent and teachers can’t wipe them. For that reason they generally start around 3 years old. I always tell my families that I can coach their kid, but I can’t physically assist them, although I help them change when they have an accident.

I'm making leg of lamb with potato salad, asparagus, tzatziki, and feta. Brownies for dessert.

Tomorrow is my husband's birthday and he wants burgers for dinner. I'll make roasted cauliflower with them and probably roast potatoes. Oh, and a layer cake.

The next night will be baked ziti. I am off for spring break all week, but I'm not sure what I will cook. I had big plans last week and ended up just being really sick.

My kids get their age in dollars, starting when they are 4. One dollar a week more each year. When we are walking through target and they want something stupid I ask if they have enough money saved for that and if they do they can get it. I'll front them the money until we get home. Pretty quickly they all figured out they could save that money for something bigger and I am always willing to pay them for bigger jobs around the house (not chores). So if their is something they want they can save for it for a bit. I also will supplement a bit in the end if they have been saving for something more expensive and are almost there.

It has given them a good sense of what is worthwhile to spend money on and saved me from having them beg me for trinkets I know they will never look at again.

I love her, bed and all, on summer/winter house. On Giggly Squad she is really vulnerable about things she has struggled with (like school) and she is so likable. Also, the laughter on the podcast seems sincere, unlike a lot of podcasts where interactions are very forced and fake. I don’t love Hannah, but their friendship feels real to me.

I realize that spending money on ride shares isn't exactly frugal, but I live in a city and sometimes I need to use one. I have Lyft and Uber apps on my phone and ALWAYS check both of them and use the cheaper one. Sometimes it is less than a dollar difference, but it is shocking how often it is much more. I saved over $50 one time last year, going from the airport to my hotel while traveling. I regularly save over $5 for a $12 to $8 trip to work. I have been keeping track since January 1 and I saved over $60 in the first 2 months of the year taking maybe three ride shares a month for work and a few more for going out. My friends kind of laugh at me checking both apps until they see my savings.

Hire a one-time cleaner for your apartment. It will make you feel better to come home to a clean place.

He's so entertainingly stupid. He says and does the dumbest stuff on the show and never, ever learns his lesson. Like telling Maddy how into her he is while simultaneously trying to get with Mia. And then being confused when other people have something to say about it.

I'm stealing the meatball recipe for one night this week. I bought enough chicken to double it so I can freeze some, or just have some for lunches. Thanks!

A few years ago we were waiting for our flight and a woman came running towards her gate. The door was closed and the plane had already left. She was furious because she was going to miss her connecting flight to Ibiza (LOL). She yelled at the gate agents for awhile, then she started pushing everything on the desktop onto the floor and screaming. She grabbed the printer and started pulling the paper out and throwing it over her shoulder (it was in a long continuous sheet). Then she threw the printer on the ground. Every single person in the terminal had their phone up recording her. The gate agents were really chill about the scene and eventually security arrived and walked her away from the gate.

A couple of weeks ago someone recommended this recipe https://www.recipetineats.com/vietnamese-caramelised-pork-bowls/ Thank you! It was fire and so easy on a weeknight.

Tonight we will watch the Super Bowl, possibly routing against both teams, and I made a hot cheesy dip with chips and crostini, and a cold crudite platter with a dill dip. We will also have warm ham and cheese Sammie’s on Hawaiian rolls.

I’m making burgers one night because my husband loves them but I hate how greasy they make my kitchen.

I’m making pork tenderloin with mushrooms and herbs one night because those are all in my fridge/freezer. I’ll serve with sautéed asparagus.

I’m making honey mustard chicken with green beans another night.

I am also making the cheesy baked pasta with sausage and ricotta from the NYT with a salad.

I am a teacher and this week is going to be brutal with Valentine’s Day, a big black history month project due to be displayed, a birthday celebration, assessments, and TWO days of Mardi Gras. Why???? I live in the northeast!!!! I planned easy meals.

There was an episode about a woman who moved to a European city for school and she had relatives there who she really didn’t know. She wanted a place that was close to school and close to her relatives but they weren’t close to each other. So every apartment needed to be closer to school or her aunt. It was quite literally the stupidest thing I have ever wasted 30 minutes on.

See if there is a concert at Red Rocks, because that would be incredible. Go to Boulder and buy some cheap innertubes and ride down Boulder Creek. Walk down Boulder Mall and have dinner. Drive up to Estes Park and do some hiking.

Honestly, google "stuff to do in whatever part of Colorado." Maybe add "I'm a huge fan of fall" to your search.

I bought my raclette grill with a gift card I received at Christmas, so this is only my second time making it.

I have prosciutto and capicola, some Italian sausage, boiled potatoes. I have cornichons and a really good baguette. I’m currently pickling some onions and marinating mushrooms. Last time I put a tiny bowl of white wine on the table to sprinkle on bread and cheese. I might also slice up some peppers I have in my veggie drawer.