I had Net10 or Tracfone from 2006 to 2009, then Verizon from 2009 to 2013. Around that time they finally caught on that I didn’t have a work discount anymore and they were about to raise it to $90 for 1 line. Then switched to T-Mobile and been here since.

Did the iPhone have gestures before webOS? I notice a whole lot of UI features on iPhone and Android today are copied from webOS such as card multitasking, corner pull downs, etc.

Something to note about the Breezeline issues that people are referencing, they may have been related to the buyout of WOW. About a year later after they finished integrating their network the issues pretty much stopped for me and my neighbors.

Mine is 1978 and isn't quite cardboard but is still fiberboard. Not sure if that's much better though.

As soon as I saw this I thought it was going to be Matt Risinger. One of the best home building channels on Youtube IMO.

As someone who grew up in a rural area, yeah farmers can be pretty cool. I've had some really great conversations with farmers randomly over the years as well. That said, so many of the people who live in the country and are not farmers tend to include a lot of those "incompatible with society" types.

I think what they are saying is that even if you don't buy it from a carrier, the carrier is still the one who releases the update for the devices connected to that network. I know this is true in the US for non-Apple devices but it could be different in other countries I suppose.

Yeah my whole system bricks when logging in.

For me the option to switch it showed up after a failed boot.

I'm having a similar issue only mine will get to the login screen but then freeze. It seems to be related to Kernel 6.9, whenever I switch to 6.8 it boots fine. No solutions, just also looking for answers.

My last house was nearly 200 years old, like hand hewn beams old. That said, id say anything older than 40 or 50 is getting "older".

What's even weirder about their argument is that several areas in the states actively require a dog license so it's definitely not some weird other-country bs.

For example in Ohio

Knowing that plug makes me feel old.

Also more recently the addition of circle to search. I'm getting ready to switch back to an iphone and these are what I'll miss the most

We have a local manufacturer (like actually manufactured 5 min down the road) and they had the best cost for performance. Just a thought as a counter against big brands if it's available to you.

Any recommendations for protection? I travel to northern WV often and each year the deer tick population seems to grow. I've talked to quite a lot of people in recent years who've had Lyme's or know someone who has. I just recently read about treating clothing with permethrin.

That's interesting. I use both and I think I gave more autofill issues on iOS. Do you use the default password managers? Or third party?

I loved the smell until someone said this. Ever since then I can't smell it without that thought and it ruins the smell for me..

I'm pretty sure those came later or else I would have gotten them. I remember trying to decide between Street Fighter or Ridge Racer and generally having a half baked feel to the initial $250 USD launch.

Between Westwood Studios and Popcap games, I actually don't buy games that say EA on them anymore. I've been burned far too many times...

Win 11 install frustrations landed me on Fedora too. Originally tried Debian and it was great but once I got the latest Radeon I struggled to get the driver to work and I had a feeling that Debian wasn't going to have out of the box support for a while. Fedora did though and it's been smooth sailing since.

I know that this is years later but I was trying to find this game from a very early memory with my grandfather and yep it's definitely Trophy Bass 2. Thanks a ton for this!

Also don't forget the Mozilla Suite somewhere in between all of that, which was the combination of the different products before being split into Firefox/Thunderbird. This project even still exists today as SeaMonkey.

I'm surprised you had to pay income tax for both areas. I'm in Columbus and lived in a different municipality. They had a reciprocating agreement where a tax point for one counted as credit for another so I didn't have to pay both. Still higher than most other states as a whole though.