
This is the very first post on this account; my old account had 15.2k karma but I deleted it. I'm starting fresh and back on the grind!

Grappler bug still not fixed?BUG

Was playing Reload and grappled up to a newly rebooted person. I had a gold tac, so one or two shots he's dead. Easy cleanup, except that I couldn't pull out my gun.

Yeah ikr. Since the poster is called mysterious ad with some numbers, it's just a randomly generated account name. But yeah interesting coincidences.

lmao we don't know each other. I just happen to know chinese as well. Anyways, I don't even think my translation was that good. Just popping this into google translate or chatgpt gives pretty good results too.

I first increase the circled spot's saturation, done by using the hsv model to raise the saturation on low-saturation areas, while decreasing the saturation of high-saturation areas.

Next I use my custom made skin tone indicator to fix skin discoloration areas, which uses about 4 nodes, and further increases the saturation. Finally, use a node to restore the natural yellowish skin color.

Sure man, yeah you're right, having some revenue is better than none. But tbh I'm not that confident in the execution, so I'll be truly convinced when I see actual revenue!

True (source me)

I just say it connects to chatgpt to provide the service.

It's just b2b, no? Businesses selling to other businesses.

Ok, I see. A few things and questions:

  1. When do content start showing? I've selected the main category, but I don't have any sub-categories to select.

  2. Can the title and meta desc be saved? I don't see a save button, and it's clearly not auto saving.

  3. How are you going to get traffic to the site? There isn't some magic button that generates traffic. As far as I know, generating traffic takes lots of time and effort...

Taxation is Theft

Spending problem? Budget deficit? Huge debt?

Just tax corposTM

Defund the FBI? Ban birth right citizenships?

Doesn't seem that bad, eh?

It's probably because Grammarly automatically checks the entire text every time you make a change, so if the text is long, it get super resource intensive.

One way to solve this is to only check selected texts when you need checking. You can do this with copy pasting sections, but to simplify the process, I've created a desktop app that does exactly that. Select some text, press a hotkey, and simply wait until the corrected text is outputted.


chatgpt is a great alternative, but if not having a built-in extension bothers you, then I have a tool that streamlines the process. Just press a hotkey and the corrected text will be automatically outputted. No window/tab switching or copy pasting needed.


I created a tool to eliminate the extra steps! It's a desktop app that automatically sends your selected text (upon hotkey activation) to chatgpt and outputs the corrected text directly into the textbox, just like the grammarly extension. This way there's no more switching windows or copy pasting.

Always welcome to feedback! https://desktoptools.net/grammarsen

Hi there, I get that the automatic suggestions and checking can be annoying. I created a desktop app that only checks your selected text upon hotkey activation, so you can use it only when you actually need it.


Libertarian Conservative

Eh, remember that it's still reddit. The Alabama sub is super left, for example, which doesn't represent reality.

I'm a SaaS founder, and my failed projects just have their domains abandoned. So, this is interesting. Instead of monetization via random blogs and sketchy ads, I'd rather just sell those domains, but that isn't easy work, and it might take a long time. I would appreciate if your product can help gain exposure to my domains, or even better just help me sell them.

Also, the website is a bit buggy. The login with google button doesn't work, for example.

More importantly, I pointed my DNS records to, but it's still saying Invalid DNS records!

Hostinger has minecraft server vps hosting options that support mods. They are cheap, but you do need to buy long-term plans (like one or two years) to get the discount.

What's up with 3d4 and 3d9?General/High School

They just get skipped and instead we have 3d5 and 3d10. Why skip at 3d4 and not 3d3, for example? And isn't just a 4s1 pretty unstable as well?

Taxation is Theft

Yes, and we wouldn't have a two-party (uniparty) system.

Libertarian Conservative

...where the Big Guy is receiving money from.

Like another comment said, I think racknerd can be a solid vps choice. I'm using it right now to host my saas.