Mort. If you decide to read colour of magic and light fantastic first keep in mind the writing improves drastically in the later books.

I hate to say it as a person who bought three copies during release....the price is well worth what you will get.

Against TOS if AO3. Report.

On that note asking for payment on a fan thing is weird. Artists/crafters can usually get by with it but fanfic has LONG been a no.

Oh dear lord I remember the ship wars for Gundam Wing. Whoooooooo......yeah best i can tell you is double down and own your ship. People can hate on it as much as they want but you like it so enjoy it.

I have a friend who took three years to update her happens. Most of us are adults. We can be adults about it. Im just happy when an author updates.

Im with you there. I had 56k until '08 and it was a common practice for me even now to save fics so that i could read them when ever. I had a whole jewel case of 3.5 floppies with fics on them, i carried around 3 ring binders of fics, folders of fics. Now i save my favorites so i dont loose them. I honestly think its okay under the condition you NEVER repost them and in the case if original fiction (as a frequent haunter of r/hfy) if the author sells their work buy it to replace your horded copies.

holds up hand hello im Myst and i spent a month researching civil war era clothes, letters, military actions, dates, and quakers just for a detailed character sheet for one character...i still get reinactment ads from time to time.

1 big wip that needs background world building work....and im working two jobs.

Super Munchers and i am not ashamed. My first computer in the house was an old apple that had barely any games. Mario Teaches Typing, Super Munchers, and some like crystal shooting game. I played the daylights out of Super Munchers. I will also toss up Ski Free, Oregon Trail Deluxe, and Carmen SanDiego. I remeber fights in the school tech lab to use the computer for those.

I dont write fanfiction anymore (ive transitioned towards my own world/work) and if anyone made any art of my crazy story id probibly send them a gift...once i stop crying.

But what do you do when editing makes you horny again?

Yes. Indoor/outdoor boi named oliver. Took him home from the state park i worked at as he was abandoned and living in the campground. He had to survive coyotes and rattlers and even now anything that makes a rattly buzz makes him jump.

Cancels make chair: Interupted by Discworld

Build a lounge around the waterfall!

Yeah the Crit Roll fanbase has caused issues for me as well. Im glad it introduced alot of people to ttrpg but at the same time those people cant understand that much of what they see is done for entertainment. They dont always follow the rules on crit roll to make it entertaining for the listener. Im a frequent con goer with GenCon being a near yearly pilgramage for me. I cant tell you how many people i've seen throw fits at tables because 'thats not how it works on crit roll'.

The only ones worse then that are the 'we've only ever played our house rules and dont know what the real rules are' folks. I played a Pathfinder Society game years ago and i think i was the only one at the table who knew the rules besides the gm. The rest of the table argued the rules constantly. I ended up referencing the players hand book for nearly every thing they did to help the gm out. Dont play offical play games unless you know the offical rules people.

*dude comments * Oh look you again...oh oops i hit the deleate button by so sorry.... (all said with the most sarcasm possible, dripping with it to the consistancy of good black strap molassass)