The hole is there, but is there a pivot for the second hand to press on to?

I've been running it since reassembly last night and it's lost less than a minute so far, even with it sitting in various positions. I'm honestly surprised at how well it's running so far. I /do/ still need to disassemble it to fix a mainspring issue (once I get said replacement in, anyways) so I'll be keeping an eye on it until then.

Has the word "expansion" gone to the wayside or something? "Big enough to be a game but small enough to be DLC" is like...the perfect descriptor for an expansion

These small vintage ladies watches aren't worth a whole lot.


For $12 I'd say you got a steal. Nowhere else will you find this kind of classy style for that cheap

There isn't a cap jewel on the other side, oddly enough. Just the regular old pivot jewel for the escape wheel cock.

Yes. The donor movement was an older 7 jewel variant of this same movement, the AS970.

I'm thinking it might be the jewels are fine, but the escape wheel might be the issue. I had to replace it due to an error I made with the original. The movement worked before servicing, but I broke the pivots so I had to get a do or escape wheel.

I have and it seems to run fine in all positions. I'm not sure why it's like this, but I'm thinking the donor movement I pulled the escape wheel from had longer pivots or something. The movement Im servicing ran before, but I broke one of the escape wheel pivots and had to get one from a donor. Same movement, just a 7 jewel model instead of 17.


Just updated to F40A and no changes. Except now it doesn't even POST if any ram is in slots A1/A2 lol

EDIT: I should probably mention that there /is/ power, at least of some sort, getting to those slots. The LEDs light up when I boot, but no POST. Doubt that really means much since the LEDs probably run on their own power circuit but...y'know. Details and stuff

No, nothing. I did a fresh install of windows and did AMD recommended driver updates. I'm on BIOS F35, which is reasonably out of date. That might be my problem, in all honesty

Apparently not. Mine are F4-3600C16D-16GTZNC, which is apparently not on the list.

But would that not cause immediate issues, instead of taking 2 months to rare it's head?

I used to average about 10L/100km (about 23 us mph) in my 96 ls400. Now I'm at like 1y because of suspension issues that I gotta fix. Lol

I'm at 93k miles (roughly 145k km)

Obviously not an ES, but In surprised by your gas mileage in them

Not /supposed/ to.

Who said anything about keeping the timeline

Zane is so fun. He's the only class I've played where I've been able to dump 192 rounds in 2 seconds. Lol

Ryzen ram issues cropping up, need help with diagnosisHelp (CPU)

CPU: ryzen 7 5800X3D RAM: 4x8gb GSKILL TridentZ Neo 3600 C16 Motherboard: X570 Aorus Elite wifi (v1.0)

I bought the motherboard back in February, and upgraded from a 3600 to the 5800X3D in April. Id had no issues with my system until about 3 weeks ago, when it suddenly started crashing on boot up. BIOS reset fixed it for another week, at which point it started crashing again.

It then got worse, crashing in games and then crashing on boot up again. I did a BIOS reset again, had the same issues. Took out the ram from slots A1/B1 and it was fine for a day, then started crashing again. At that point, I started noticing my RAM wasn't showing up in the right numbers, and XMP was disabled. XMP put the computer in a boot loop even with 1 stick in

After some testing, the RAM is fine. All 4 sticks show up as they should. I did a CMOS reset at the behest of some friends and it worked for a day, before crashing some more, at which point things got weird.

In slots A1/B1, it only showed 8gb. Slots A2/B2 only showed 8gb All 4 slots populated also showed 8gb. Initially Slot A2 worked (as well as B2 for dual channel), but eventually stopped working. RAM in slots B1/B2 shows as 16gb. XMP still does not work

Is it possible my CPU's memory controller fried itself? Is it maybe motherboard? I can't really test due to lack of backup parts (I have a B450 motherboard but it doesn't have 5000 series BIOS and I don't have any old CPUs), so any insight is useful right now

Literally every melee death I've gotten since the update has been the spear, personally. Literally the only reason to take an axe or even a melee weapon, over it, is for concertina.

Friendly mushroom!

Giant mushy friiieeenndddd

They always do this "test" but never actually put any real oomph behind the throw. Even plexiglass could survive a toss that weak

I honestly adore this watch. It almost looks drunk, but like...classy drunk. Lol

Used to religiously watch Cry, Snake, Russ, etc and it was GREAT. I hate to say's STILL good, but God does it crush me how terrible Cry turned out to be.

It's an automatic movement, looks like it's a Seiko of some sort. Diashock and the Magic Lever tell me as much. Which one it is specifically, idk.