While I don't think it's an incorrect observation (and I've that has been pointed out before) it absolutely DOES NOT excuse Teresa's terrible behavior over the years and extreme lack of self awareness.

That said, the Gorgas are terrible in their own ways and frankly they all seem better off without eachother. This obsession with "family" is a tired trope. Family is your supportive tribe, related to you or not.

I just want to throw in here for people who have older parents who travel MAKE YOUR PARENTS ANSWER THE FUCKING PRE X QUESTIONS in the travel policy. Old folks are not reliable historians when it comes to their health. They also have a weird way of avoiding their conditions.

Example: I've asked pts if they have high blood pressure, they will answer "no". Then find out they take HBP meds, go back and ask same question to which they reply "well I don't have high blood pressure anymore because I take medication!"

JFC, this guy just didn't listen and FAFO with his insurance policy.

Well that's up to you, but if you don't pay it off you risk losing it vs. Just having less equity, not just bad credit. Keep in mind that you won't be tempted to spend that equity money if you tell the broker up front you are doing it to pay off debt. They will usually pay your creditors directly with the increased funds, and frequently this is even a requirement to even give you the money to begin with.

Hi! if you own a home and have any equity in it, refinancing this is the first thing you should look at doing (other than start treatment for your addiction) since you're only 35 and have time to make up that equity and will be, as long as you keep living in it. Keep making your payments on everything you can get this worked out. If you don't have enough equity or is not enough to cover, take what is offered and start making a plan to pay back the rest. You'll need to cut out your "fun" money at least for now so you can heavily pay back this debt. Having a higher interest rate on your mortgage is a temporary problem if the debt is off your back because the increase to your payments with the added equity should not be unmanageable if you cut back on other things. No new clothes (unless for work) no eating out, no buying gifts, no vacations, no extras until you get yourself in a better spot. This also means, do not sabotage your ability to do this - i.e.slack at work, and potentially lose job or ignore maintenance on your car, etc.

You will need to do the math on the refinancing options to confirm what's best for you, but remember long term the APR on debt is still much higher than any mortgage rate out there.

If you're really unable to refinance to help start doing the above, you need to add income like yesterday. Roommate, sell stuff you own of value, downsize your car if you can, second job (this may help distract you from gambling), anything BUT trying to "win" your way out.

Your life is not over. You got this!

First of all.. Calm down. A goiter and a heart murmur are not death sentences. If you care about your health, you'll follow up on the tests. If you have the ability to see a different doctor that will help then yay...but bad bedside manner is better than an ignorant dismissive MD who checks nothing. Also, diet and exercise will not get rid of your goiter or the need to possibly have then treated. And lastly, Levothyroxine is a 100 year old drug that is super effective at treating issues when monitored and dosed properly. The fact that you take HBP medication means that you should be concerned about your cardiac health, which means skipping thyroid treatment (if you need it) is counterproductive.

It would also make them spend SO MUCH MONEY on batteries just to keep it operational. I'm all about the petty revenge in making them spend money to be nosy!

"she's a fart factory" is cracking me the fuck up right now lol

From Barcelona, the Catalan pooping guy (Caganer) which is a symbol of a future good harvest and makes for a hilarious item in my bathroom 😀

NTA. As someone with a thyroidectomy scar, I'm sorry you have to deal with this.

As someone with common sense and decency, this lady is an idiot.

Honestly I hope she's fat so you can tell her that her fatness triggers you, but I'm a petty bitch.

American 9th grade = everywhere else 6th grade

Atlas in Langley. Adult only (due to it being attached to the casino) and great food and service. It is pricey but worth it.

Edit: has live piano player, classy ambience that's not too loud

Ok, unpopular opinion but YTA. I don't think anyone asking someone to be in their wedding should be making them posty for their own dress unless they are free to wear whatever they want. It's not a free pass to choose by color only because it limits the choices out there. I.e. If you choose peacock blue there's maybe not that many dresses to choose from at any store in that color. Everyone is entitled to feel comfortable in the clothing they need to wear all day for your day, so maybe you should've picked the dresses for everyone and paid for them.

Also never in my life have I heard someone say that because their friend was engaged they "started setting money aside for it". Girl, no. If you can't afford to pay for a few $150 dresses then perhaps you should elope or have no wedding party.

All I could think about at this scene, was that scene from Me, myself & Irene: Price check on Vagiclean, aisle five. That's Vagiclean. We've got a customer down here with a full-on fallopian fungus. She's baking a loaf of bread and I think it's sourdough.

I don't think 2 is a high enough number

I watched a dad bring his under age 10 (like 6 and 8 approximately) kids to Deadpool and within about 12 minutes they were gathering their things to leave... like seriously dude, are you that daft?

Don't worry, I got permanently banned from calling someone a moron in a local sub the other day. Moron

Iirc this is only true if you had hyper or hypothyroidism already. I had neither, only the nodules. A pre surgery functioning thyroid should continue to function just fine without medication after a partial thyroidectomy. That's my experience and was the advice anyhow from both physicians.

I thought I read somewhere that the guy owns some legal(ish?) brothels back home and that's why he doesn't divorce the ex - still raking in the cash from that.

Adding to#3 that the requirement of NOT having to pay back your education is a service of at least 5 years as a practitioner in Canada. (This way we are keeping the talent here after paying for it)

Not just coffee! Pick up some energy vitamin tabs as well. Artificial caffeine buzz does not help you when you get home.

Hi friend! I had same size nodule and the surgeon decided only to take half my thyroid. I was told to expect future nodules and sure enough, 8 years later I had the other half removed, but I must say that it was worth putting off the total thyroidectomy until later. It will produce enough hormone with just half so if you have the means to have the surgery twice, I would go to a surgeon that is willing only to take the half. Second surgery was a far faster recovery, perhaps because I knew better what to expect, and was stress free.

Chlorhexidine shampoo for your dog.... If he had any open cuts or wounds you didn't know about, you're about to find out in a few days when infection sets in. Shampoo is fairly cheap preventative and is absolutely the most basic thing you should do after your dog is any open body of water.