I have two Frame tvs. They're incredible lightweight. 

It's missing a cat snuggled up on the sofa but otherwise it's awesome. 

I like that you mounted the speakers into the gallery wall. It looks nicer than sitting it on the shelf. 

School teacher here. I definitely don't call Wikipedia unreliable. I encourage students to look there first but not to cite Wikipedia. They need to check the sources that Wikipedia cites itself. 

Wikipedia is awesome!

The Middle is good. I've watched Seinfeld more than a normal amount. 

I'm not familiar with much of the Bible but are pants mentioned at all?

Cats often have litters by multiple fathers. 

Lantana is very resistant to deer and bunnies. They grow well in the heat and are fairly drought resistant. It'll grow well there in Phoenix. 

Don't try to haggle. He knows what he has! 

It's unfortunately true. Lol. It was incredibly stressful at the time but I look back on it now and laugh. 

I'd still see her around the gym after and she acted like she didn't even recognize me. I guess she has so many crazy encounters that they don't even phase her anymore.

Years ago, I had a woman put her water bottle and towel on a piece of workout equipment at the gym. I worked out at a machine near it waiting for her to get her stuff. 

After 5 minutes, she still hadn't returned, so I took the towel off, folded it, and sat it to the side. I put the water bottle on the towel and started using the machine. 

She came running across the gym yelling for me to get off the machine because she was saving it. I reminded her that wasn't allowed.

She told me I'd regret it and stormed off to the locker room. I went and told an employee about everything that happened because I had a bad feeling. Then I went back to the machine and finished using it. Then I hit the treadmill. I never left the gym area.

About 10 minutes later, she comes out of the locker room and goes to the front desk and shows the employees that her arms over covered in bruises. She says I followed her into the locker room and assaulted her. For a visual image: I'm a woman and I'm about 30 pounds less than her. 

The employees don't believe her so she calls the police. The police watch the security footage and also don't believe her. She leaves the gym ranting that everyone is being racist towards her (she was Hispanic and so were the employees, but the officers were both white and Hispanic and I'm white). 

Idk how she didn't get banned. It's made me very nervous about touching other people's stuff since. If I had it to do over, I'd just go get an employee to deal with her stuff. I'm lucky I didn't go into the locker room while she was in there. Her story would have been believable and there are no cameras in the locker rooms to disprove her claim.

That being said, yeet their shit into the ocean if they try to use it to hold a spot. Lol

There used to be a billboard with this image on it here in Texas. I don't recall what it said on it though. 

These people have been unhinged for a while now. 

Well he was gonna vote but NOW he's gonna to vote twice. That'll show em'.

I've had 2 different personal ones over the years. And I have no idea how many different work emails I have. 6 sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

OP, he's just a goofy guy from Kimmel. He's hilarious! 

You don't know him. He goes to a different school! 

So now anyone who disagrees with you is a grifter. Do you even know what the word means? It's not shorthand for "person I don't like." 

Did you come here for a civil discussion or to piss into the wind?

Grift is such buzzword right now. Lol

I can't imagine Fiona saying she's in the spectrum. She seems like the type to look down on people who aren't conventionally "normal." 

That being said, OP is absolutely delusional. 

Before I read the title, I thought it was one long boy.

Yes, because no one any where else acts like this. /s 🙄

I personally don't care for indoor greenhouses. I want my plants displayed pleasingly and I think greenhouses are an eyesore in the house and usually hide the plants.