The Ravens. They broke Chris Johnson in half on purpose during the first half of their playoff game with the Titans in 2008. I believe the Titans would have definitely gone the distance that year if it weren’t for that BS.

Pork shoulders are very forgiving. The outside bit might be a little overdone, but most of it will be just fine. And you never know, you might end up with the best bark ever.

In the long term, absolutely. They decrease the quality of the food, resulting in higher profit margins, but only in the short term. That works for a while, but eventually enough people notice and stop going.
By the time that happens, the people who destroyed the restaurant are long gone and don’t have to deal with the fallout, and are able to point to the years they were there with ever increasing profits to show how awesome they are.

Someone has never been to a Brit Floyd show

That was the final nail for sure, but they’ve been struggling for years

I love how high prices, expensive labor, etc are always their “problem”, never that the quality of the food they served was lowered so much in the name of continuously increasing profit margins that the food sucks now and no one wants it. Looking at you Pizza Hut, Applebees, O’Charleys, Chilis, Outback, etc…

I think I might need to do more than just hand sanitizer after pumping gas.

Getting the rent check may be a challenge

What could possibly be a reason that he could publish all of the other junk he has, go to all the events he has, create as much content as he has, but not finish Winds in 13 years, other than it being more difficult and time consuming?

The original question was if fans are right to be upset about it. Yes they are

It’s the post’s question…. Also, you don’t know what I’ve experienced and had to deal with. Most people don’t have the luxury of just not doing…

Also, he’s still pumping out tons of stuff to sell. How many books has he published? Nothing is stopping him from doing those.

I can think of plenty of things in the last 13 years that would have kept me from doing my job at work, but guess what I’ve still done for the last 13 years?

It’s not selfish and entitled. The question was whether fans are in the right to be upset, and the answer is yes

Yep, a shitty move like you said, and fans are in the right to be upset about that shitty move.

13 years…

I don’t think it’s expected anymore. I wasn’t on one knee, and we most definitely were not in public when I proposed to my wife. I’ve never had a single person tell me I did it wrong.

It’s been nearly 13 years…. In that time, he’s become insanely wealthy, bankrolled by fans. It’s not to crazy to think that he owes those fans an ending to the story.

If he hadn’t written and released tons of other content in that time, I could maybe buy the depression/pressure thing, but he has so I don’t.

Starting a story, getting rich on it, and never delivering an ending even though there has been more than enough time is a really shitty move.

Edit: autocorrect

The people I hear/see saying it are usually making the claim that they can get the same results in a standard convection oven, and they are most definitely wrong

You gave them money before you even saw it?

It does not add flavor, but it also doesn’t really do any harm unless it starts flaking off. Then, it might fall on your food. I semi clean my smoker reasonably often. All I do is take a brush to knock off anything starting to flake

Look at location combined with crime statistics. The vast majority of the city/county is very safe.

Behind makes sense based on all of the drawings I’ve seen. The wings usually come out of the front shoulders

Ohhh, now I know why I was unfairly booted from the last thread about this. CHI Memorial is here.

I explained that you’re trying to raise rates by 40%, and posted links to proof.

Then, I suddenly couldn’t access that post anymore, and only that post. I created a 2nd account to see if I could access it, and I could.

I asked a mod about and still have no response. So, I was silenced…. Now I know why…