Replace the knives with anything else and that's what you put on a star.

It's because when you give quarter to bad business practices, they spread rampantly over time.  

The Korean F2P/P2W model used to be fairly relegated to just that country.

Now it's everywhere.  

We started off with horse cosmetics for a few bucks and now you regularly see major AAA games with items that exceed the MSRP. 

It's ideologically no different than trying to argue the value of a casino visit based on it's interior décor.

And companies fundamentally understand how to weaponize this tacit support. Just look at how any outages lead to in-game currency being given away.

If it was truly a situation of "Only buy MTX to support us uWu" they wouldn't be giving away donations to themselves.

Being ready for a hypothetical situation isn't even relevant to the idea of having bullets shot at them.  

Like that sucks for your dad but any soldier post, like, Vietnam will tell you the vast majority of time is spent dicking around. 

Troop count in the Middle East peaked at 100k in 2011 and of everyone sent during that collective period of war, ~10% saw combat scenarios in any capacity.

Less than 50K Purple Hearts total have been awarded since the Gulf War's onset.

That's not really anything to do with IP law. Warner Bros sold something so they no longer get to do with it as they please.

They SHOULD have to pay up.

You're gonna be better off trying to go to a more respected university and pursuing scholarships. 

Or if cost is absolutely paramount, there are low-cost overseas remote options like University of the People. Those will get you much farther in terms of setting you up long-term to succeed in your career.

The same thing happens in real fights. When you have less time you don't pace yourself as much.

That's rarely how licensing works, especially with megacorps. 

Rights to content and rights to distribute content are drastically different.

Now that RWBY is out of the corporate umbrella of WB, they'll need to relicense the character. Presumably they sold with a clause to keep her in Multiversus but there's no guarantee.

An offshore domain will not automatically shield you from recourse. Real life isn't a movie.

Please tell me what combat the servicemembers in Okinawa or Yokosuka are engaged in.  

The vast majority of servicemembers will never be deployed to an active combat arena.  

We're talking less than 10%:

You're statistically more likely to get injured working construction:

A US service member is 250% safer in fatality rate than your average US civilian employee:

Pretty myopic way to view things. Epic has the money to challenge Apple's ridiculous policies and it's a net good that they are. 

For them, making this change would be trivial. But the fundamental issue is these sorts of arbitrary policies can be (and are) used to lock out less financially deep parties.  

Apple continues to follows a very technical viewpoint of the changes trade commissions have mandated from them because they're willing to do whatever it takes to make people using their platforms submit to giving them that cut.

At the tail end of her wrestling career she picked up physical training as a side gig and made it her post-wrestling career.

Adding on to that, she came from the fitness modeling world rather than the usual clothing/bikini/etc etc modeling.

Sonic or Pac-Man are the answer.

Tetris games have tons of variants so there's not one single core Tetris experience.

And a lot of the Doom ports in the 90's had significant differences in terms of content cuts.

Nope. The shows Voltron took footage from weren't really successes in their domestic market and ended up being single season ventures rather than franchises.

The company behind Voltron would end up outright acquiring GoLion and Dairugger from Toei during a legal snafu over live action production rights.

Nintendo's handhelds have always been vastly most popular than their consoles and considering they haven't released a docked only version, I think it's safe to assume this hypothetical world couldn't exist. 

Pretty much all context clues at this point in time indicate that Vince paid people off to look the other way on Snuka's actions. So it was more of a mutually assured destruction to keep bringing him back.

Snuka, who according to records was the only person in the hotel room with Argentino that night, claimed that she fell. Then that he pushed her. Then clammed up. He wasn't charged, with dark insinuations (and they were only insinuations, mostly made by Snuka himself in his autobiography) that Vince McMahon showed up to personally bribe away the investigation. He was found liable for Argentino's death in a $500,000 civil suit brought by her family in 1985, but the criminal investigation remained open.

You can't put that sort of clause in a contract.

However you can just fire someone for mentioning unionization and claim a different reason. Until actual union efforts are being perused, you have no legal protections against retaliation.

As someone with no affection for DBZ past childhood who much prefers OG Dragon Ball, DBZ Kakarot isn't too shabby.

Sakura Wars reboot probably should have become a different franchise to have a shot at making it.

It honestly would have made a lot of sense. Same reason Yakuza wasn't just more Shenmue and Valkyria Chronicles wasn't just more Sakura Wars.

Bomberman fans complaining when there hasn't been a Bonk in decades....