Try Sunlu Abslike Waterwashable. Also use rafts with curled edges. Between those two changes, I went from chiselling prints off the plate to easily popping the entire print off thanks to the flex of the resin.

Try the Sunlu abs-like water washable, it’s amazing and the best of both worlds.

Sounds like the peak for your printer with that resin, I love the minis. A trick I’ve started using to get my supports removed with no residue is pouring boiling water over them and then dipping them into the container as needed. I use Sunlu ABS like + water washable resin, I love that it has both of those features and makes removing supports a breeze.

Hi, I’m not sure what you mean. Please double check the list in the main post and let me know if you still have questions.

I agree! It is fairly absurd how well the imperial knight rules work, though. FNP for necron resilience, lightning weapons for tesla (same ‘core’ rules concept with sustained 2 and no AP), reclaiming land and slaying enemy dynastic rulers as detatchment rules, moiraxes having heroic intervention for robozombie coordination, the gallant having deep strike and an upanddown redeploy like necron teleportion. It’s wild.

That’s so kind of you! Thank you!

Thank you, I appreciate it! I still need to finish up the bases same as the agent minis but I’m very happy so far.

These minis were my first set of 3D prints so there are some noticeable printer errors, but I’m very happy with the overall quality.

I’ll do a better one in a couple hours, fair enough!

It’s the canoptek knight on Cults3d. When I get a chance I’ll snap a photo of my “Phaeron Rex” and canoptek armigers. Thank you for the interest!

You got it! Remember too that you can gain one additional CP on top of those ones per round, not per turn.

Try re-levelling and then increasing your exposure time. Try 4s and dialing back from there. You may wish to go up to 45-60s for your burn in layers, something looks funny down there.

Can you please share your settings, including exposure time for burn in and regular layers? Also, what is the temp in your printing room?

Try contacting your local library. Many have 3D printers and while they may not be able to meet the volume, they may know a local or other lower cost producer they can put you in contact with.

What is your exposure time? The calibration matrix in the bottom left looks overexposed.

I bought a $100 CAD enclosure on Amazon which came with an attatched fan and tubing. I vent it directly into my bathroom fan, which I also keep running. Lastly, I have a large air purifier running non stop. I still use a voc respirator, though.