Don't allow drunks around your babies. Please. You think negligence is the worst that can happen, but you are looking at potential physical, psychological or sexual abuse. We like to think this won't happen to our kids, but why take the chance?

Who cares if you are overreacting? It's your baby and your partner should support you, within reason of course. It sounds like he just likes to second guess not only your decisions, but your common sense and intelligence. I'd ask him "do you think I'm stupid?" Remove the passive-aggressiveness and call him out for exactly what he is doing.

Why do you go along with his childish behavior?

Stockholm is cold in March. These past few years it has snowed up until May. I don't think you will get the spring experience you are looking for. Even now, it's July and we have basically gotten one week of sun and then it's cloudy and rainy with temps falling to 14C.

Really? Because when you apply for the marriage certificate, one of the points says that they will check the couple is not related. Interesting.

I have no idea what you must be feeling. Only thing I can say is that you're not gross or pathetic at all. Your foot is missing. That's all. You are so much more than a foot. I started dating my husband a few months after he literally busted his face in half, falling off a roof at work. He used to cover it and told me he felt like his life was over because now everyone would see his scar and not him. In 2 years, I have never really heard anyone comment on it and I don't even register it in my mind anymore. To me, he is an attractive guy with or without that injury.

What I'm trying to say is that it will get better for you. Seek therapy, physical and psychological. Don't write yourself out :) sending you hugs and good vibes!

Ica generally has it in cans, refrigerated section. Good luck!

Frustrating that the support person forwarded your issue to the IT team? Pretty standard practice, no? It means the support guy tested, agrees with you and they will solve the issue.

At that age, I'd give her milk, a light breakfast and watch tv together or listen to music out by the back yard. If I needed more time to sleep, I'd wait for her nap.

Um.... disturbing.

If you want to keep the friendship, just get her 1-2 of your favorite toys as a gift. Wrap them up and everything. That should keep her busy.

Sorry but you wasted your love on someone that didn't love you. You can't generalize and say this will be your experience forever. Stop being a doormat even if you like a girl.

Suddenly, laundry has become the most important thing in their life xD

Got pregnant dec 2023. Due date august 31st and I'm DESPERATE

Daughter was 7 i think. We were playing on the couch and idk what happened but she headbutted my lip by accident. I looked like i lost a fight against mike tyson 🤣

I have been telling my daughter about Respect since before she could even walk. I respect her and she respects me. Under no circumstance is she to disrespect me, physically or verbally. You hit me? That is disrespectful and there will be consequences. No toys, no tv, no candy, etc etc. In turn, I respect her. I don't hit, I don't insult, I don't destroy her things. We are both individuals deserving of respect. If I happened to make a mistake, I profusely apologized to her and explained my actions and why they were wrong. I also explained to her what made me act this way and how I plan to improve myself to make sure I am better for both of us.

I think discipline is great, but the concept of respect has stayed with us. She is now 11 and we both make mistakes but I think suffering through those first years of talking and talking and talking about respect, kindness, and empathy paid off tenfold.

And just one thing: I never did time out. I think it's bullshit for a young child because they don't understand. Sometimes it feels more like the parent has no idea how to handle the little kid so they send them away for time out. Time out works wonders with older kids like around maybe 5 through 8 years old. You can explain "hey i know this game made you angry but you are behaving way out of line. Please turn it off and chill for a bit until you calm down." Not exactly time out, but I did make her stop whatever was making her act out so she could calm herself down or talk to me about it.

You sound like a polite individual from what I can read. Pay the fine and learn your lesson: ticket guards are not your buddies. Ticket guards don't make the law. Their job is not to feel bad for you, but to check for active tickets and give out fines. If your ticket was active, they have no reason to fine you unless traffic law says there is a specific time your ticket has to be active when you get on/off a train.

People here tend to get super butt hurt when one complains about the swedish system, don't pay attention to them. Nothing is perfect and we are allowed to point it out.

Your friend is unhinged. Tell her she needs therapy and drop her.

Si ya te dijo dos veces que quiere tomarse un tiempo... es porque quiere cortar con vos y no tiene los huevos de decírtelo.