Advice for first time seller/consignment?

Hi! I’m interested in selling part of my large closet of clothes and accessories at some consignment or thrift store. Does anyone have any experience/advice so I don’t get totally ripped off? I live in the Portland area.

Advice on first time selling/consigning?

Hi! I’m interested in selling my large closet of clothes and accessories at some consignment or thrift store. Does anyone have any experience/advice so I don’t get totally ripped off? I live in the Portland area.

I thought that’s what it was at first😭😭

that’s way better than ice cream in my opinion!

very interesting.. would love to know the region!

On “absolving” your egoReflection

Why kill the very thing you created? All beings are pure and have pure intentions. Maybe once in a while we get to be the ones swept away by our ego because Teal Swan said “To heal is to experience the opposite”. I think there’s a funny irony on social media right now about absolving the ego and letting go through psychedelics. But doing that admits dissatisfaction within yourself? Idk man this gets so multilayered. The snake sheds.. the lotus blooms.. it’s all very out of our control and also the very beings that we are. Hell yeah I’m out of control. I have no idea what I’m doing

I think your educated perspective on the gods is a gift that not everyone has!! Pop culture has a way of appropriating culture for entertainment, and there are examples of this that most people can see, but I think your knowledge is very valuable and unique and can grant clarity to those who want it! Never doubt your feelings

I seriously relate to a lot of this thought process!! My therapists main goal for me is to adapt to my situation, and to just do things that feel good for me. Journaling my ruminations or even complete nonsense was really helpful. You have a lot of creative energy it’s time to see where it takes you! It’s also nice to be around people that you can be sensitive with. The paranoia struggle is real :’j

This is the nicest thing that evered

Babe I’m gonna leave you!!!?

Oh this is not Led Zeppelin lol

As someone who can vote and wasn’t born before the first jackass came out, i was wondering if any stunts hurt more than being so geriatric? also where’s steveo? <33!!