Buy it. Hodl it. Love it.

How many Shorties ya figure just punched their monitors? 😹

See, there's your first mistake.

NEVER admit to being an adult. Certainly not in writing! smh

<kickflips out the window>

Righty will hear that laugh for the rest of his life 🤣

I bet this also tells us the relative price to produce each flavour

Purple is probably 0.001¢ more per piece.

I've been using ableton since v9 for guitar, bass, drums, keys, etc. Standard indie rock. Absolutely love it to the point all my friends sigh "we know!" every time I bring it up 🤣🎸

The former president says his trial was 'tougher' on his family than on him

Well, yeah, they were awake for most of it.

I like a little side-chain compression (2:1 to 4:1 range) with super fast attack and auto release on the guitar channel. One side-chain'd compressor for each thing that needs to sit on that distorted guitar. Gotta be careful not to over do it such that it totally tramples the guitar into the ground, but when you find that balance, it just stands everything in front of the guitar amps sonically and lets everything come through.

I got food poisoning the last two times I went to Subway... Got it once and my gf got pissed and wrote an email. They sent her a bunch of coupons for free food so we went back months later TO A DIFFERENT LOCATION. Got it again. Haven't been back since.

Monkey in Space

Let's all take our political advise from people who receive head trauma for a living 🥊🤡

I got my control numbers in the mail for my TFSA shares but has been down for days. Eventually loads a page saying browser and connection is good but host is down.

DRS'd shares voted no problem, but haven't been able to vote TFSA shares. Hmm.

On 5 they went all in on the "annoying is memorable, and memorable is good" trope.

I fucking hated almost every character in 5 because of it. Sure, I remembered them. Remembered them every time I thought about playing that game, and then didn't.

The side characters were even worse. Wade, Ron, Steve, Lester, Cleetus... Couldn't fucking stand them. I often muted the game during the long forced interactions just to get through it.

Some were great (Lamar, Tonya, Dave) but most were fucking nails on a chalkboard every time they opened their mouth.

I bought 3, VC, SA, IV, multiple times (on every system they came out for) and 100%'d each more times than I can count, but I only ever 100%'d 5 once, and it took about three years because I kept walking away.

I hope to god they didn't double-down on this annoying-is-memorable bullshit in 6.

Seems like a good deal until ya need to get any work done. An oil-change alone is like $1000. That's how they get ya.

He's going alone? No! There is too much lifting! He'll get hurt! And what does he know about setting up lights and such? Gah! Someone help him! NotLikeThis

Good, this will help make my browser of choice much better. Firefox users rejoice!

When I go to a restaurant and all they have is a QR code, I don't use it, and just smile and guess when they come to take the order.

"Do you have any meatloaf?" "No?" "How about beer battered halibut?" "How much is Guinness?" "Is that draught, can, or bottle?" "How much are french fries?" "Yes, I know how QR codes work." "No, I don't scan those." "Do you have coleslaw?" "What does that cost?"

Honestly, that was already my plan before the PSN stuff, but hey count me in! Or out... You know what I mean.