Actually they are. Billionaires start the wars and profit from them.

If there is one thing Trump knows it is how to suck a dick.

OG cartel don’t talk to the DEA. Hector ain’t no rat!

Why let the woman live with you? They are just an unnecessary expense.

No, it’s just when women age out at 30 they start to look like trannys.

Both are shit candidates. It’s time for Americans to say no more to this farce.

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Those things are much uglier than I thought they would be.

She is Irish and trying to do an American accent. She does a pretty good job of it.

So the black woman was a 10 on the racist scale

It didn’t happen because RK sold some of his call options to raise cash to be able to exercise the rest of his unsold call options. It looks like he played all his followers as chumps.

They should put his face in a bank robber bag. It would be more accurate.

They should ask Canadians if they are dissatisfied with their recent Canadian experience.

My last airplane food was coffee and a cookie. That was 10 years ago.

Trump only knows how to do personal attacks. Trump really does not have a platform to promote.

Trump really doesn’t understand how tariffs work. He really doesn’t understand how anything works.

After his prison term, that country gets what is left of his cancerous carcass.

You gonna be rich son!