Love how lively, animated and smiley Jerry is. And the interactions between him and Brent melt m y heart.

Dry mouth lozenges, dry mouth spray, sugarless gum, sugarless hard candy, salt water gargle.

Walking, Pilates and Tai Chi. Anti inflammatory diet, vitamins and supplements also help prevent or alleviate joint pain.

My dentist does not specialize in Sjogrens. He knows I'm on cevimeline from the rheumatologist and said he wold prescribe for me if I had trouble getting it from rheum. He also recommended getting fluoride treatment after each cleaning, so I do that. He also prescribes Magic Mouthwash.

Definitely within dentists' scope of practice. They focus on oral health and cavity prevention. Saliva is required for both.

If you're coughing because your mouth is dry, you might want to try prescription saliva production meds, OTC dry mouth lozenges and sprays or oral gel instead of cough med. Better for your oral health / dental health and throat. Oh, and a humidifier so the air isn't so dry. Helps with both heat and air conditioner.

Had a blast at these shows! Also had fun waiting outside overnight for ticket sale. Thanks for the reminder to go back and listen to them again.

That's the point at which I switched to punctal plugs.

Venta brand humidifier. Cevemeline prescription for dry mouth. My rheumatologist and dentist will both prescribe this. Jojoba oil from Jojoba Company for face moisturizer for times I don't need to use sunscreen. Punctal plugs for dry eyes. Saline nasal spray. Dry mouth lozenges. Peronsal steam inhaler.

Pretty much the same as when I posted above years ago. Same treatment plan. Working full time at a job that requires a lot of reading. New Years Eve weekend traveled, visited friends and family, and went to four concerts in three nights. All good!

How are you doing?

I have been to a bunch of music festivals with lupus and Sjogren's. In addition to others' suggestions re: UV protective clothing and umbrella, I recommend UV protection gloves. Coolibar is good for clothes and accessories. So are sports apparel stores and camping supply stores.

Another thing is to send email to festival's customer service inquiring about ADA accommodations. Sometimes ADA sections are covered to provide shade. If so, ask about what is necessary to access the area - sometimes maybe an ADA pass or purchase ADA ticket. Even if there is a shady spot, you should still use sunscreen / protective clothing because you won't spend all of your time in the shady spot.

No. A small part. It was years ago so I don't remember exactly what it looked like. Still works fine now.

Pretty quickly, There are different sizes to choose from depending on the size of the room you want to humidify. Models vary between two or three humidifier settings, depending on size.

That happened to mine after using it daily for quite a while. I contacted the manufacturer which quickly sent replacement part and instructions to me. Easy to fix.