Congratulations on successfully growing a species that is both native to Canada (specifically Southwestern Ontario) while simultaneously being critically endangered in Canada .

Rent a truck or pay a company to take it away for you.

The elementary school teachers would hand out worksheets all copied in that purple ink in the 80s, I’d say they disappeared for good having been replaced by photocopies by 1990.

“I am kind of discusted by that other girl” - She’s just a ho it was nothing but a booty call I swear.

I looked up James 2:19 so you don’t have to.

You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder.

The guy’s style - I was in the same age range as the dude back then.

Is Tamara just gifting people food she finds on the bus? I need to know more about this foodstuff found on an international bus trip.

Nah there’s never been a “Sonnelley” Court anywhere.

What amazes me is thousands if not millions of people saw couches with that pattern in furniture showrooms in the 70s and thought to themselves “that will look nice in the living room”

I guess this is only slightly better than leaving fake money as a tip - seen a few examples of that on Reddit.

This is to certify that I have this date examined Mr. Ramond J Stephan of 25-18 Donelley Court & found him to be in perfect health. Sep 17 28.

I’m guessing this was for a job or to get an insurance policy.

That’s peak 1998-2002 right there.

Grow raspberries, they spread like wildfire.

I drive by Cargill all the time and until recently they had “now hiring” signs with a wage of around 18 bucks an hour for what is probably a very gruelling and hard job. Pay your workers a fair wage. 40-50 years ago a general labourer working at Better Beef Ltd could probably afford a small bungalow or a semi and raise a family in Guelph.

We’re always an election cycle or two behind the Americans, I’m sure we’ll have geriatric leaders soon enough. Chretien for PM 2029 anyone?

It’s a doctor’s note written from their prescription pad with an ad for a pharmacy printed at the bottom.

I’m curious if this is due to maintenance that was always being deferred or if it’s something like the Olympic Stadium in Montreal that was doomed to be plagued by issues from the time it was built.

I have to look and see what my Canadian passport issued last year says. I have my parents’ passports issued in 1975 and it says in bold letters after the formalities and niceties A CANADIAN CITIZEN IS A BRITISH SUBJECT in both English and French.

According to the government of Canada about 35-50 of these were issued per year in the late 19th century.