Thanks for the great advice. Can you please share some tactics for how to find a good product market fit?

How much does it cost to attend this feeder school?

I hear you. If you were aiming for T10 and you know you worked hard for it and deserved it. UVA can feel underachieved. That’s ok to feel. Use it as a fuel to work even harder at UVA. There is always grad school.

Do you want to lose weight? What do you need to commit yourself to the effort?

The first opportunity will help you understand the patient/consumer side of the business. The second opportunity will help you with the manufacturing/supplier side of the business. To do well at the second job in future, having the experience and knowledge from the first job will be helpful.

Hey don’t forget the Indians wrote the kamsutra

👍 a staple for foodies and brothers on budget in the state of Maharashtra in India. Can be quite addictive.

Usually the European companies in USA offer higher PTOs compared to most USA companies

Ideally you want to be able to compare your options from pay, benefits, job profile and in general the vibes for the culture and management. But you will need to gauge how close both parties are in making the offer.

Hi. I have few questions and would appreciate your guidance. Asking on behalf of my high school senior embarking on college education.

  1. Is Biomedical engineering a narrow choice in general over let’s say ECE or Mechanical?
  2. Are there better job opportunities for ECE vs. Biomedical?
  3. What is the perception of employers between CMU, Georgia tech, U. Michigan, and UIUC. Those are his choices admitted as a biomed. Cost is more or less same except Georgia tech.

I should mention. He is interested to work at Faang type tech companies out of college.

I know a few guys who went in consulting after their bio med engineering degree. One of them is selling cloud services. It depends on the internships or the double major or minor degree you get.

Yes. That’s right. Either CompE or Comp science + bioengineering

Thank you. Based on my research it seems like one will need to take certain classes and meet grade requirements to switch to a popular major. Do you agree or is there something more to it?

FYE Purdue or Biomed UIUCAdvice

Both OOS. UIUC cost is 80k higher over 4 years. Accepted to UIUC as biomed but want to now study ECE. Want to work at high tech companies after undergrad. I heard UIUC is popular among high tech companies for hiring undergrads. Is 80k more worth going to UIUC.