
That's what I meant. If you're only replacing two windshields in 30 years.....


I'm not sure about Arizonan, but you're definitely a Phoenician when you hate Tucson for no reason even though it's just objectively a better "Arizona" place than Phoenix


Hey, I've replaced more windshields on my car since I got it in 2020 than there are members of the Beatles

How are you down at drivers license numbers?

I absolutely love my Ampeg RB 210. I went into the store for a Fender Rumble, tried both, and the Ampeg was more powerful for the same price and sounded better to me

I only noticed because one of the planets in my setting system did it. I think they have to be a certain level of iot for it to happen, but I'm just guessing

Where else do you wash an animal bowl? She can't possibly be suggesting you don't ever clean it at all. That's disgusting

I've seen hot planets make random fires ever since I started playing a few years ago. Awhile before the sentinel shop update. So it's definitely at least that old

Not "likely," there is nothing else those could possibly be. This is 100% solved

Singers don't mess with their noses .... I'm just going to point to a Michael Jackson and stay quiet

My mom used to do this (claim she knew things that she definitely didn't) until I started asking reasonable followup questions

"I always knew you were [blank]"

"Oh? So what did the doctor say when you asked about it? And why did they recommend keeping the information from me?"

It's usually fairly easy to point out a reason why them knowing but not telling anybody is REALLY bad. If you catch them like that two or three times, in my experience, they'll stop doing this one

I'm 6'2" and my brother is 6'5"

After watching his actual experience in the world, I'd never switch. I'm perfectly happy at my height. I run into enough stuff

Oh, so it's literally as bad as it could be

From the headline, my brain went all sorts of places. I had hoped it was some kind of clickbait reframing some sort of accident, but nope. The world is not a just and good place

I trust my brother with certain things. He just doesn't understand other things

Whenever I try to do anything in my life, he is definitely the (nicest) voice saying "are you sure YOU can do that?"

I realized fairly recently it's because the whole situation is a comparison, and as the older brother, it was easy for him to come out on top as more competent or better at listening, etc.

So when I get "better" it's existentially scary for the GC. Because maybe there will be a point when just existing doesn't make him better than me

All that said, I don't think he does it on purpose or even recognizes it. It's just the way he was raised to treat me and he never really examined it

How about the ones who do this without a blinker? Just suddenly slow down to zero, then creep around a corner

I live in Phoenix, and people do this one like it's a sport

Having a child because you feel like a child should be around might not be the best reason to have one

I'd recommend only having one because you specifically want to permanently add a child to your life

I mean, no matter how much I love my car, if every single person who drove by was laughing at me, it would probably get to me pretty quick too

Wow! I've never heard of that. I'm just going to forward that article to any employer that tries that crap with me from now on. Way faster than what I've tried so far

I'm just really enjoying watching Musk's own decision making and hard headedness be his own downfall. It's a bonus that the truck thing keeps getting funnier and funnier

I see one driving on the 101 in Phoenix occasionally and I just can't help but laugh at it. It looks so bad next to "real" cars on real roads just doing car stuff

I hope that guy keeps it forever so I get to keep chuckling about it for years

My mom watches the news and laughs at disasters. Literally. She points and laughs and then says something like "I know it's horrible, but the visual of [something horrific] was just funny" ....and it's something like a person trapped under rubble screaming because they can't lift the block

It's clear by what she says afterwards to try and placate anyone that's still looking at her like she ate a puppy that she really thinks it's ok to laugh because whoever got caught in the disaster must have done it on purpose, or it's ok because they're far away and chose to live in dangerous conditions

No, anything I told my parents I liked was nitpicked to hell just to criticize any show of individuality I could muster

Oof. Every time I see it laid out like this, it's clear that my mother is a "real" one of whatever she is

The only things she ever speaks are venomous statements about something or somebody not in the room. 100% of the time. Anything about somebody that isn't her is ALWAYS negative, like she NEEDS you to hate the thing for her because she doesn't actually have feelings

Pretty much anything from that era hits disturbingly well right now

Steppenwolf is another band that seems clairvoyant

Steppenwolf's "Monster/Suicide/America" is a jam and incredibly prescient