It was the least you could do to appease the local Tupperware maven.

You posted the picture, so you may have an hour to escape. They know you posted.

Fuck that. When we finally roll, it will bewitch a song in our heart, history on our side and a hell of a lot more conviction than those Jan. 6 wussies.

One reason why St Thomas founded the first Christian church there.

They have always existed. Known by many other names such as Bluehairs, Auntie and such. When the first manager emerged from the primordial soup, she was there to give him a piece of her mind.

Bring him something to eat… if you made it even better.

That is why he has a staff of people he picked. Trump’s staff never seems to hang around long and don’t have anything good to say afterwards.

They set the debate at 9 PM. I am 20 years younger than Biden and that is my bedtime. Trump did a line of coke and he was good to go.

Absolutely. You just need to figure out where to drain to. Which coast is closer?

You are correct, but the proper term is “Clown Barf”. Dating from the ancient days when a selection for texture and backgrounds and such was a melange of colors that became known as “Clown Barf”.

Hello Pizza Dog and owners of Pizza Dog.


Jonathon Harker from Dracula

You get to a certain age and the rage leaves you.