No I’m not confused. I thought the bit was the president making an ambiguous comment. And then an agency acting on it.

I thought the comic was more nuanced than it is.

Illegal acts aren’t official official acts. Tons of precedent in that regard.

It’s totally not a cult.

I got downvoted for sharing information. Lol. Didn’t even express my opinion on the matter.

the last panel?

Or is this not understanding Presidential immunity?

The uh… President doesn’t have any legislative powers besides the veto of legislation. And… I don’t think you understand the Supreme Court’s decision regarding the striking down of Chevron.

Anyone looking towards rock stars for political, moral or ethical guidance is a fool.

I’m only interested if it’s MAGA RAP

Quality music folks. Quality music.


Pointing out how ridiculous some people in this country are acting about the SCOTUS by no means makes makes anyone a Trump supporter.

If you’d like to hear a reasonable break down and response to the recent decision, in layman’s terms, check this guy out: He’s doing his annual “Judge Week”

He breaks it up with humor a bit because law can get dry.

Seatbelts are like condoms and drug test kits. They are for cowards.

Vote for whoever you want. Love it. We probably agree on quite a bit.

But taking this paper seriously is ill advised. The folks freaking out about it aren’t doing any research whatsoever.

They’re raising the Heritage Foundation’s profile and helping them raise money.

Worship? Corporate overlords?

Fuck dude. Maybe take a break from the internet for a day or two.

You know what I do if I don’t like a show/movie/album/painting or other piece of artistic expression?

I walk away and do something else.

I don’t seethe about it or get angry. I don’t blame companies for not catering to my exact taste. I move on.


I do like the show. I think it’s fun.

No. It doesn’t bother me.

Doesn’t bother me with other shows.

Maybe it’s generational.

Project 2025 is a paper written by the Heritage Foundation think tank. They’re not affiliated with the Trump campaign.

It’s a bullshit paper written by people with no power. You can relax a little. At least about project 2025.

Who’s putting people in charge? The Heritage Foundation? It’s a think tank. Bunch of conservative nerds that write papers. They don’t wield power. They don’t legislate. They’re not affiliated with the Trump campaign.

They wrote a paper. People started freaking out. Then they raised a bunch of money because of it. Lol.

It’s a think tank piece. The Heritage Foundation has no power. Bunch of Eggheads writing papers. 2025 is literally written to freak out Democrats. Seems like it’s working.

And I’m not sure Biden is all that “kindly”. That’s sure is his persona. But there’s a ton of reporting that says behind closed doors dude is anything but kindly. He’s a politician at the highest level. You don’t get there by being kind.

Some stupid think tank paper that literally does nothing but stir the pot and fund raise for that think tank?

I think it’s dumb. And I think people who are freaking out about it don’t understand what it is and aren’t trying to.

Take it as it is, then binge it the day of the last episode. It’ll be around for awhile to revisit as well.

That’s kinda how I do all these TV shows. Get together with the fam. Pizza. Drinks. Watch some Star Wars. Good times.

There’s some funs stuff in this series. It’s not perfect. But what is? Not me. That’s for sure. Lol.

I dunno. Me being positive and suggesting others accept art as it’s presented and possibly try to be positive as well.. seems a far cry from complaining about the issue de jour.

Maybe I’m not communicating as well as I’d like. That’s my fault.

But it’s not. Enjoy it for what it is?

But, they need something to complain about. This week it’s…. Episode length.

I came here for this. Thanks.

Max Rebo. The Modal Nodes. Who doesn’t like Jizz?

Yup. Just a TV show. A bunch of people made a thing… maybe it’s for you. Maybe not. That’s ok.

I saw Return of The Jedi in theaters as a kid. Vietcong Teddybears. Cheesy shit. I love it.

I’ve watched, read, played and listened to a TON of Star Wars stuff. Some of it is great. Some not as much (novels, lol) That’s ok.

Have as much fun with it as you can… hang out with your family and friends… if you don’t dig it… maybe watch something that you like more.

Or maybe, just maybe… make something yourself?

Lots of art out there to engage with. Lots of things to do, see and create.

Why the hell would anyone hate watch something? It’s sad and bizarre.

You’re still not making an argument for subjective or objective morality. And you’re missing the point.

You talk about society being the driving force behind morality. Then you talk about God given rights.

It can be only one form of reality.

“Life is sacred you shouldn’t take it…. Well, I guess under these circumstances it’s ok”

who decides the circumstances in which life is no longer sacred and that imprisonment and killing is morally correct? Who decided which form of life is more important than another?

What makes your concept of morality more viable than any other?