They put a table periodically on the tile

I’d be helping all the shorties Need anything from the top shelf? I got you!

Exactly like that! Fuel that will definitely go on to polluted not just Houston, but other countries as well. Especially those countries with large cities and large populations.

I got you, I guess I got hung up on your choice of words to describe the situation. Definitely it is always a good idea to know the scope of the problem before panicking; but it might be detrimental in the short term if no action is taken, because “we don’t have all the information yet.” The more people sit on their hands on a situation that has been developing before their eyes, the harder it will be to do anything later on.

Right, because Mexico City and Monterrey have the cleanest air. I guess having asthma and smelling like car exhaust when you get home in Mexico City is all normal.

I’m assuming the heat waves all over Mexico, the droughts and farm fires in South America, the tornados and storms in the souther US, all have “some degree of catastrophizing and also propaganda;” we should just move on and ignore it? This mentality of, “it is not as bad as they say,” has always caught up to humans. We become complacent and never address it until it happens again and it is too late. Since I was kid in Mexico in the 80s. Mexico always had a bad reputation about its water management. 40 years later is still the same and nothings has improved. This is not an isolated event, lakes and rivers and dams have been drying up all over the Americas in recent years. Mexico City is definitely not set up to advert a crisis for over 22 million people if the droughts continue.

I think it is voiced by the person taking the video. The mouth doesn’t exactly match the audio.

We should just accept it and let humans go extinct. Enjoy the rest of your life, don’t have kids and let the population dwindle slowly. Nature already has us by the balls, literally

If it is consistent through the whole reel, it maybe an issue in development. Bubbles or uneven agitation? Another option is there is a very small leak in your roll or camera.

Let it go, nobody cares. Stop projecting and go do something productive. Let people get whatever phone they want, you are not paying for everyone, chill.

I hope this puts the fire in all of those Abbott supporters who are now being affected by this and all his bullshit

My school is closing at the end of this year along with at least 2 elementary schools in my school district. Similar stories all across the state

His were probably too

I hope there isn’t a turfs war with the Japanese Cholos

The Eloganted Muskrat should be more concerned with dealing with his failing companies

I see he is doing the Pepsi Challenge

“What do you call a guy who lives with a bunch of other guys to have fun; instead of having girlfriends?!” /s

They are all a 10 for me my dude