"Female" eugh.

Also, maybe trans people are bitter because a large, LARGE chunk of the population doesn't want them to exist, and if Trump is reelected, their rights will be stripped away faster than you can say Nazi.

I fucking adore Saturn valley and Lumine Hall is gorgeous.

I got banned from r/insanepeoplefacebook for...some reason? I asked them the same thing and they were like, "you know what I did."

When pressed further, they just repeat themselves and go "the comment's deleted, so we don't know what you did either."

I'm not mad. Just kinda weirded out. Lol.

A race war, a gender war, and a sexuality war.

They fundamentally disagree with everything modern society represents. This shit resembles the Taliban, which I thought we all equally agreed was bad?

Although, to the right, the only thing they hate is that they're Muslim. Y'allqueda went from being a joke to terrifyingly real.

We need to collectively vote for Biden this November. I understand he's not the best we can put forward, and certainly wouldn't be my pick, but we don't have any other alternative that would stand a chance.

I believe this country will legitimately not survive another Trump term, and Trump would just be the fucking beginning.

Anorith looks like the green scorpion in mother.


My dad told me to vote for Trump the first time around because "he and Bernie want the same thing". People are just fucking stupid. That's the long and short of it.

"but she's lying! Trump would never do that!"

"That's just boys being boys! Grow up!"

What a fucking narrative the right has created in response to any politician or celebrity getting allegations thrown at them. It's fucking disgusting to see a victim and go "nah. She's lying. Dumb bitch."

Also, with boys will be boys:

I've never fucking sexually assaulted anyone and I'm fucking 30. By the time Trump was thirty, he's probably had his way with countless unwilling women.

It fucking makes me sick that not just Republicans, but Christians defend this abhorrent behavior, while also saying Trans people are getting gender changes solely because they're "perverts" wanting to diddle little kids in bathrooms, without ANY fucking proof.

Or Drag Queens reading books to children are the root of all fucking evil.

Sorry. The rant just kinda got away from me at the end. I'm just disgusted with the state of our country, our culture, and how straight white men of course, are infallible in the eyes of the right.

I'm fucking tired, boss.

Hand that over. That thing. That dark kink.

  • Blushes * * Giggles *

Dang in the adult section, not jacking off, but communing with an alien fucking sent me.

I think it would be fun if they did Whose Line style where at the end of the episode Sam takes the place of one of the players in a final three person prompt.

Or have a Game Changer episode where Sam thinks he's pulling the strings, but the crew and contestants have a whole behind the scenes thing going on. Think Bingo but bigger.

Everything that comes out of their mouth is fucking hilarious, but "You are the perfect American" is probably the funniest. I quote it ad nauseam.

They're definitely fools, but vote for the one whose side didn't come up with Project 2025.

Please and thank you

Yay! Let's make the world inhabitable even faster!

This is peak human activity.

I mean, I don't have the dlc yet, but I feel like FromSoft wants to emulate the feeling of starting up a new game in Limgrave. You don't go straight to Morgott or Tree Sentinel right away, you explore, collecting items and runes to make you stronger.

Pokemon, for sure, though I'm not sure which one.

Does the Crystal E-shop release count? Technically not a 3DS game, but it probably is my most played game on the system. Lol.

Schnitzel, the favorite treat,

The stick that's served with dough and meat

Earthbound, specifically when you're fighting Giygas and you are praying for help.

The sequence where it goes through all the characters you've met along the way, and they start praying for your crew's safety is overwhelmingly moving.

Earthbound is a weird and silly game, but also incredibly heartfelt and comforting, even after all the monstrosities you encounter.

I think my first was one of the hot pepper challenges from 2011/2012-ish.

I'm an old man.

Honestly? Could be a cool story beat.

Instead of Clunk, imagine if Dr. Nefarious reprogrammed the actual Clank and you have to get him back, and in the final fight the Clank Zapper is used, albeit way more successfully and deadly.

Same episode as you, except it was "a buncha buttholes".

I mean, my student loans sure as fuck didn't get forgiven, but I'm not about to risk Trump being reelected by wasting my vote on someone else.

I think y'all need to find something to kill some time.

Y'all are obsessed.

It is actually crazy that people think DS1 is the best in the series when that game has Tomb of the Giants and Lost Izalith, just two horrible zones.

Victim blaming now, are we?

There is nobody to blame but y'all for being fucking rabid.