You and me both. I’m also smoking a lot more than I normally do.

I was worrying myself sick over the collapse of democracy, the climate and the world in general. Then I decided to refocus on my family and friends because that is far healthier. Today is tomorrow's good old days, so I'm trying to enjoy them as they come.

I'm staying informed and voting/preparing as best I can, but I realize I am just one snowflake in this avalanche.

I was part of a wedding years ago and the bride insisted on Pearl Jam's Better Man be her wedding song. She kept saying it was the perfect song because she couldn't find anyone better than her fiance so of course she was going to marry him.

I’m disappointed but not surprised. As for myself, I won’t be shopping there any longer.

I've seen them a couple of times since Scott passed. They're still a solid band and put on a great show.

I can back up a trailer without any trouble. I can't explain how I do it but it never has been difficult for me.

Lots of people here in the northern part of the state are proudly showing their support of the traitors too.

NTA, but I hope you didn't say why you weren't going to rent to them in writing. In my town you can be sued for rental discrimination based on religion. You should look up fair housing laws in your area.

I had been working at the same place for 12 years and just got a new supervisor and he wanted to interview everyone in the department and to see their resumes. When my turn came around he called me uneducated (I have a college degree and a pile of current IT certifications) and informed me that this wasn't a position for someone who was "learning how to work in IT" this point I had been working in IT for nearly 20 years total.

I transferred out of the IT department and worked elsewhere for a couple of years. Then the guy who replaced me went to the supervisor and asked to create a position and bring me back because he needed my experience and institutional knowledge. They convinced me to come back to IT, but I held out for a nice big raise.

I work in government, and we went through about 12 years with practically no investment in IT. We don't have any 2003 machines still in production anymore, but just 7 years ago we still had XP on the desktop (aka the bad old days). Things are much better now thankfully.

The only thing that matters is the final vote count in November and getting sworn. Don't get complacent.

A night for myself without being made to feel guilty about it. I just want a few hours to hang out with a friend, smoke a cigar or two and have a couple of drinks.

Check out Middle Age Dad Jam Band on YouTube. It’s made up of alumni from this show and Upright Citizens Brigade.

There is no way the Melon Felon wrote that.

To paraphrase Terry Goodkind: "People are stupid, they will believe any lie either because they want it to be true or they're afraid it is true."

But if you vote for the convict you get to vote for both!

The "fuck your feelings" crowd sure is having some big feelings today

I'm in roughly the same position as you (gov employee, pension and 457). I'll be able to retire at 58 with full benefits and make a little more than what my take home salary is now. I have a rather modest lifestyle, so unless something major happens I shouldn't have to touch my 457 or other investments.

My wife and I are working hard at getting everything ready now so that when we retire we don't have any bills or household repairs waiting to surprise us. I'm really looking forward to it, but also taking time to enjoy each day as it comes.

I seem to be aging a lot slower than all of my friends and I don't really do anything to take care of myself. I'm closing in on 50 and have no wrinkles, only a couple of grey hairs and my hair is as thick as ever. I eat whatever I want and I drink far more than I should and my weight has only increased by like 20lbs since I graduated high school. Blood pressure, cholesterol, and everything else is perfectly healthy.

I agree, show this and the pee pee tape to everyone. Every vote taken away from him is a win for sanity.

Sadly for most of his supporters this would be seen as a positive thing. Hilary was too kind when she called them deplorable.

About $300 for the paperwork, then later about $7000 and a 100+ point hit to my credit score because she didn't refinance a joint account that she was responsible for per the divorce decree.

That sounds a lot like my ex. When we were casually dating she couldn't get her clothes off fast enough whenever we were alone. Once we were in a stable relationship that quickly turned into sex twice a month if she was feeling okay/in the mood/didn't have something happen that pissed her off during the day.

Thankfully I didn't marry her or get her pregnant.