Petting Ada's kitty

Because dbd as a whole was never balanced and it never will be. People have to accept that. Gatekeeping newer players is the worst you can do in any game and I just don't understand why bhvr can't make a system for newer players like get 200/300% more bp till x amount of time or something similar. Give them more perks in the shire so they can catch up( they need to rework the shire eitherway) most friends stopped playing because, like you said having decent perks is just a pain to grind.

Petting Ada's kitty

But, isn't the old Lara Croft(Jolie) more recognisable then the one we got look wise, or is it just me being old.

Petting Ada's kitty

That's why people could learn the usage of flashbang no wall is going to help you. Plus it helps people to do at least half a gen

Petting Ada's kitty

How can it be next to where it was, when you are not able to use majority of the exhaustion perks along side it, like you used to and let's be honest the majority of the community runs either SB or Lithe. Iron will is definitely going to be strong but, close to the old state? No way.

Petting Ada's kitty

Depends how you look at it. The old Iron Will was indeed way to strong but, keep in mind they didn't say anything about the exhaustion going away. Now you at least have to make a choice either run Iron will, without SB/lithe or the other way around. They do need to buff Stridor, the current state of it oef.

Petting Ada's kitty

How can a dlc that's not even released be the best it makes no sense at all. And before you are going to say "I'm a big fan of it" think about how it may work out bug wise etc, we don't even know what they are to add exactly.

Petting Ada's kitty

It's way harder to miss it then hitting it, what are you on? It's like being proud of being able to tie your shoelaces because, you "still" have to do it. Just look up a couple of Chucky mains on twitch or youtube and they are saying the same. It's a common knowledge in the community if you like it or not. Let me scamper 10 times and i will fail max twice on a bad day. Let a Chucky main scamper 100 times and they will fail max once.

Petting Ada's kitty

Like I said earlier and the comment below me. That's on the person playing chucky. If you don't make a mistake then it's a free hit. From time to time I play chucky and when I miss I know I fked up. That's just how scamper used to work if you like it or not.

Petting Ada's kitty

Because, scamper was always a free hit if you didn't make a mistake. But what they did is not any better Bhvr seems to no be able to understand there could be a middle ground.

Petting Ada's kitty

Well, that's how it always goes. If that's going to be the case again(bhvr seems to never learn) then unbreakable is going to sky rocket to get nerfed because the pick rates are to high.

Petting Ada's kitty

Or someone at bhvr isn't able to pull off a Sabo play so they need to do this.

Welcome to blind love sadly this also works in irl.

Petting Ada's kitty

You are so out of touch like many people it's not funny any more but kinda sad. It's not Survivors or killer it's the player. A Survivor that's complaining about killer perks is the same player who is going to complain about killer perks. It's the person and not the role the Us vs them mentality is kinda sad/ funny to hear. I had people complain about calm spirit one of the most useless perks in the game. And the other way. People like to complain for the sake of it.

Petting Ada's kitty

"It’s a video game. I’m playing for fun" Well so are they, and seeing a team mate in the basement for 2min doing nothing while the other 3 are struggling and not having fun because you are throwing is okay? as long as you are having fun? Like don't get me wrong if you like doing this and it brings you joy go for it really I can't tell you how to play or have fun. But, don't find it strange when people are doing it. I'm more amazed at the fact that you don't like it when people ruin your fun but, when you do it it's okay? Like either don't do it or don't get mad/annoyed at something you started yourself. Or at least warn them in the game lobby so they know what going to happen.

Petting Ada's kitty

As a plague main, if the team is decent then you actually have to work to get a win. you can puke on gens all you want but, she is still a loud huge mommy that needs to do loops in order to get the person. If you play vs casual players then getting that M1 is indeed as easy as you said. But vs decent players that are comfortable with being injured and know how to loop it's a lot harder. Also plague has many counters. Besides stunning her with a pallet to get her out of the power you can also use ds/blast mine etc. For SM on the other hand she has so many tools and buffs/debuffs it's nuts. You get stealth for placing drones while being a quite killer in general already.

Petting Ada's kitty

Through reports most definitely, but you do know the fog whisperers are just for show mainly and they don't really listen to them. Source many fog whisperes said it them self on streams etc. It's not only the usage. There is also mental part. If more people talk about it there is a bigger chance they will kill switch it.

Petting Ada's kitty

What may finally result in them kill switching the perk or even better patch it. Almost a month has passed and they didn't even acknowledge it.

Petting Ada's kitty

You can shuh me all you want but, if more people are going to use it mby bhvr will finally killswitch or even better patch it because, almost a month has passed and they still didn't do anything about it.

Petting Ada's kitty

All you have to do is to find the "potential" to unlock the secret.

Petting Ada's kitty

Brother people will complain about any perk. Making a post about it makes people complain even more because, they see noed. Like are you not realizing you are making it worse for yourself?

Petting Ada's kitty

"if the perk is that game changing it’s a straight up skill issue" tell that to pro players/content creator with 10K+ hours. There is a reason why they say it's op. There is a reason why there is always 1 guy in our squad who run that combo. Deli/Hope doesn't get you far if it's a nurse/blight/huntress and even wesker to some degree. That combo is a free out of jail card in the end game and it does more then deli/hope. And don't get me wrong those perks are strong but, it's not a guaranteed free out of jail card while ftp+buckle up is. Plus deli/hope are so much easier countered and they have more requirements. Like come on bro we like that combo as much as you do but, saying just wait out the 10 sec in endgame that may work vs casual killers but, not vs experienced/good killers.

Petting Ada's kitty

Yea, man just wait for the 10 seconds of endurance when you are near a god pallet or the real reason why it's op just wait out the 10 second of endurance while the surv is running to the gate that's already open. Or even better just wait out the 10 seconds of endurance once they get picked up inside the gate because they are def not going to run out and wait for you to hit them again. Honestly you sounds so stupid for saying this without thinking about the end game scenario it's amazing. Ps not thinking about the endgame is not a skill issue but, a brain issue.

Petting Ada's kitty

Because, it's a broken combo with almost 0 counter play and I'm saying this as a surv main.....

Petting Ada's kitty

It's not overpowered at all and I'm saying this as a 2.3k surv main. Have a decent SWF party and most killers won't have a fun/good time. There is a reason why at the highest levels surv are not allowed to run the same perks. Once the killer finds the weakest link and kills him at 4/5 gens then it's over and it may feel like the killer is op. If the killer is a better player then the 4 surv ofc he is going to steamroll but, it also works the other way.

Petting Ada's kitty

It's also on pc sadly.