Yank here, are Fenerbahce yellow and blue for the Pacers?

There's players you've never heard of that play for that salary. He's Marco Reus. Have you seen Shaqiri's salary? These guys aren't coming to push their careers to new heights at 30+

Semi-Pro Player

You are looking to see the opposition and your teammates. I generally prioritize the opposition, as it's more important not to lose the ball as opposed to scoring every play. As you get more experienced and improve your timing+frequency you'll be able to do both. See your teammates to play 1 touch more often, and to not lose the ball as much. The important thing is to be as aware as possible of your surroundings before you receive the ball.

As you get more comfortable you can look around while you have the ball, while the pass comes to you, while the ball is coming in the air etc.

🟩 :moons: 0 / 0 🦠

She's bought and paid for. Same why she intentionally screwed Bernie Sanders over.

This is propaganda. It's not a perilous system in a vast majority of nations. I know people playing in the Dutch lower leagues. Their salaries are extremely low compared to other countries in Europe, including countries fat poorer than the Netherlands.

If you played football at any reasonable level, you'd know it's not about bumble fuck Town FC. You clearly don't have a single clue what in the world you are talking about. I would ask you not to speak about a subject that doesn't affect your livelihood. If you don't get paid to play or coach this isn't about you John Doe watching soccer on the couch along with the NBA and the NFL. You are pushing something that objectively hurts the livelihood of many, to support the wealth for .01%.

Depends on the situation. Barış has pretty poor finishing in general (compared to strikers) as he isn't a natural 9. He's very effective against high lines as we saw.

Enes is the really only true capable classic 9 we have (unfortunately he's mainly shown that in Spain and England not with the NT). Semih is a great goal scorer but is still quite young and can fade out of matches. But we've also never seen Semih on the NT, which hurts this convo a lot. I think Enes, Barış, Semih as the 3 9s offer 3 different profiles which would be useful.

Also, Netherlands is one of the few countries in which there is not a lot of money in football. A lot of the amateur teams do not want to spend the money to promote. That is a problem they have. But they still have 10 tiers with most of it connected. And in the future could be back to all 10.

If we had in America a fully connected amateur pyramid, and a fully connected pro pyramid. With potential to connect the two pyramids in the future, the complaints would be far less 👍. But based on the money we have in the US, I do not think we would run into the problems of the Dutch. Americans don't have that culture or attitude, as most countries do not.

Yeah their closed league system in which they have pro rel (10 tiers) except from div 3 to 2 is a bit different than ours. They have the plans to reinstate the pro/rel between those 2 tiers as well. Which is very different from our pyramid.

Nice cherry picking! Still not the same.

What makes more sense. Rely on the altruism of the few, or create a system that incentivizes not charging players.

The money has to come from somewhere, for clubs to give out free stuff, there needs to be a return on investment, or a potential for return on investment. Otherwise youth soccer in our country continues to be a place where the motivation is purely attracting more paying customers (aka parents).

But of course, I will enjoy the downvotes for suggesting a closed league system with no open pyramid isn't super beneficial for the sport.

Dark horse or dark donkey. Who knows which one will show up

Weird things you care so much about. While you're at it make sure the players have a minimum social media following # to be eligible to sign a contract since they need to be so "big".

Yes our standards are higher than the EPL, La Liga, Serie A... Does that makes sense? Our level isn't that high, even the most delusional MLS Stan has to be ok with that statement.

Luton Town was 12k in the Prem this season. Eibar has an 8k stadium as well. I can't remember how many seasons they played in la liga but they were there

My excitement was a lot higher before the friendlies. The Semih situation into the horrible results kind of killed my excitement

Until around 2019 I'd say the league was just staying alive. The last 5 years or so things have gotten "stable". And even then the landscape of lower league soccer in the US is a tough one. While I agree they had the time, considering even now during the stable times... They had San Diego and St Louis pushed out. Orange county threatened to be kicked out of their stadium by La Galaxy II, and now Indy 11 could be pushed out by another MLS franchise... It's still not smooth sailing. They are in a soccer war now that they have gotten the ability to stay where they are.

PLS weren't made to be easy to meet. They are unattainable to make in the 2nd division that's the point. Some are downright unreasonable.

For D1:

75% of the teams need to be metro markets of 1m+ people (an anti pro/rel requirement, requiring teams to be from certain areas). Plenty of quality 1st division teams around the world don't meet this requirement. It's stupid and not football related.

Minimum stadium size 15k. It's not reasonable for most lower league teams to build a stadium that big, when they can't even promote. Not even the English Prem has that high of a requirement. They have lesser capacity requirements, and it's a gradual increase from league to league. And the clubs know they can promote and have the incentive to invest and build more. If in Europe a team's stadium is so small it doesn't meet requirements, they still promote, but they play in a different place. They aren't stopped from joining the league. And usually those stadiums are like 2k capacity or something.

One owner must own at least 35% of the team. With a minimum net worth of $40m. This is something that stops certain types of club ownership that are seen throughout the world.

The PLS also has really unnecessarily high standards to make it really hard for another league to compete with the MLS. That's why there's an active court case. On the Women's side the standards are much looser. And there is a rival first division starting now

Nearly every European player in America is ineligible. The NCAA doesn't care.

It will be Dark horse or dark donkey as always with Turkey

Asian teams have improved a lot. Their rankings aren't as inflated as Concacaf. But they are still playing a lot of mediocre teams. African sides have no such luck to play India, China, Pakistan, Oman, Yemen, etc.