att gå me hunden efter en skogsväg och ser en tippad soptunna och hunden börjar skälla men man själv ser inget och sen läsa senare att det var en björn som setts i det området. det är kul.

The damn bandaid from vaccineshot are just there to hurt you, last flushot they didn't even hit the hole.

Mom:hello dear mother. Dad: what the fuck do you want. Any of my sisters: Hi sis. Anyone else it's either hello, hi, etc. When I used to have phoneseller call me I was sitting there quiet until they said hello.

I have problems with people not answering their phone. If you are not working or in a meeting or sleeping or on a public transport, I don't understand people that have their phone on vibration or fully silent at home. The fuckers are unreachable as soon as they turn of their PC. I don't feel comfortable with having my phone on fully silent except those times -during sleep cuz what if it's a emergency. My last job my boss called me on my days off and I put only that number on vibration cuz I am not that important to get a hold off. And I have nixed my numbers so phone sellers are not allowed to call me.

I thought the video was prerendered until it looked like some kind of VR thing, and this video right here blows my mind. I know racing games look good now but holy moly on the environment

I mean the feet people ain't wrong, you really telling me you don't account for how the feet look? Tho it has the least amount of weight and I think there is a way smaller bar to pass okay feet than all the others.

I was on the cyber truck train if the economy would have stayed the same since announcement and the truck got released at 40k.

Jag bruka kokar sousvide i en gigantiskt kastrull som är typ 30 liter eller nå. den är till för att koka stora mängder kroppkakor.När sommaren var över och somma gästerna farit hem så är det inte ofta jag sousvidar längre. Men jag kände för att sousvida en större köttbit och den rymdes inte i min mindre kastrull jag använder til lsousvide annars. Kunde inte hitta den stora. Jag gick igenom varenda skåp i huset. Gick ner till panrummet och kollade. Gick till garaget och kollade. Fanns fan inte till. någon vecka senare när man öppnar Gräsklippar förådet så vad är det jag ser. Mina jävla kastrull med lock inlindad i en matta sittande på hökant förbi gräsklipparen.

Polisanmäl och sen kontakta rektorn och läraren. och sen men inte minst ringa detta barns hem och säga vad de gjort och att det är polisanmält. kan man fortfarande konfrontera föräldrarna i person? för nån stal min spark ur mina händer, pappa drog med mig till dennas persons hem och vi satt vid deras köksbord och väntade på att grabben skulle komma hem med den. men det är nästan 20 år sen.

I turned off the damn "do you rember this" thing Facebook does and 10 year old shit get shown with the worst posts and worst comment section I've ever been part of. Tho they are memories that I cherish but I would not want to read those things again.

I thought they where horse sized , but moose are damn taller than I expected.

My dad told me that would just want to get burned and spread somewhere easy for us to access if we now wanted a place to go and speak to him. We got to this topic when I asked where grandma was and he didn't know as he paid his sister and brother to take care of the grave. he also complained that people care to much if you cried at the funeral and that there is more ways to mourne. He got annoyed when his brother actually asked if he cared because he didn't cry at the Funeral. and I actually agree. I don't feel comfortable crying because I need to cuz to show how much I cared. A widow that murdered her husband still cry at his funeral.

Sverige‏‏‎ ‎:se::eu:

a bunch of people I know Old and younger than me wont vote because they don't give a fuck. I feel that the way people complain about EU interfering with our laws is a very important part that we also vote in this. and then we have my grandma that doesn't even know what EU is. I even tell they who is like " No party sound good enough to vote on or align with my beliefs" I just tell them to vote blank at least.

Min bil tog sig genom besiktningen med en fjäder som var Av. året efteråt frågade dom vem som släppte igenom det. I år så fick min 18 år gamla bil inga fel alls. ok en Felkod som dom inte visste va det var.

Sverige‏‏‎ ‎:se::eu:

Is the pirate party populist? cuz im voting for them. I would not vote for them in our election but EU election need some of their words in there.

Weebs are the bane of Weebs existence.

it brightens the room. it makes the light scatter so your browneye doesn't look as gloomy.

I saw the picture and needed to know why he was evicted.

Vi hade stoppljus förut och varjegång de gick sönder så fick jag i uppdrag av mina föräldrar att ringa och klaga. Sen en dag så var de helt bortplockade.

Nu känner jag mig utanför när jag är den enda som matar fåglarna med sista osten.