Yeah, we’re in the quadrillion range now

Plus whatever happened with Kennedy under Trumps watch. It never made sense that he retired at that time, while at the same time his son worked for the only bank in the world that would loan Trump money. Add in whatever Trump said to him on camera right at his retirement that visibly shook him up. The whole thing feels so damn sinister and we will never know.

Fox News and related propaganda media continued brainwashing and need to create a boogeyman to attract eyeballs and generate clicks. In other words, some people make money off of making EV’s another boogeyman.

God, I’m so sick of these old brainwashed dumbasses turning this country into the shithole they are programmed to think is being caused by everyone but themselves.

I’m dying to see how they will spin this in a way that is not a complete smack down of the concept, but instead will leave it open ended enough for another crack at this which won’t happen until after the election. I suspect they will lean on something about what defines presidential duties.

Or really not a question but was just going to tell you that you are doing it wrong and here is how you do it because he once saw someone cut down a tree

Oh I’m pretty sure he has a fifth on a daily basis 🥃

Man, combine a guy that has the intelligence of a 3rd grader, with a guy that has dementia, and this is what you get.

Looks like you’re actually missing the game but have the pieces

I don’t know dude, it feels like we’re going in reverse lately. In 80 years, we might be seeing the 60th season of Negro Leagues v2.

Why doesn’t Biden play up his fitness more? Nothing riles up the Magats more than Fox “News” talking about how feeble he is. How are they going to process the fact he actually is in great shape for his age?

Sorry man. A few weeks ago, ee had to put down our 16 year old rescued dog because he wasn’t going to make it through the night due to a heart condition. I’m still recovering from that. Anyone who can just shoot a dog doesn’t have a heart at all

I think he meant more like pulling out all the stops to steal the election, get congress to do stupid shit to keep him out of jail, cause his goober followers to create violence to get him back in power, etc.

80 home brew Minion Necro. I could push higher, but the cheesy one shot boss mechanics piss me off too much as well as the Elite’s wall ensnare which sometimes just catches you off guard. I feel like it’s a faceroll other than those two cheeses. So I tend to sleepwalk low 70s or high 60s to avoid throwing my keyboard against the wall.

Yeah, I have solar on my house, which was basically paid for by tax credits when I had to replace my roof. I charge my Tesla at home, so it basically costs nothing to run and has zero environmental impact.

In 6 years of owning Teslas the only maintenance I’ve had to do is rotate tires.

I haven’t had to go to a gas station in years.

I out-accelerate pretty much any car on the road.

I autopilot most of the way to work every day.

Anyone who is against EVs is an idiot

Well I don’t disagree, BUT the evidence suggests the right wing propaganda machine has a lot to do with their misinformed stupidity and irrational emotional viewpoints. 30 years of listening to Fox News stoke their fear and anger has a huge effect on not being able to process anything but their fear and anger.

Moderator: Mr Trump, what is your plan for the border?


Fox News play by play crew: “I’m sure he was just kidding. Man he is so brilliant that he can act like he has dementia as a joke and the radical socialist liberals don’t get it.”

Many people who don’t drink, do not drink because they are afraid of what they will say while under the influence. In other words, they are afraid their lies will fall apart. Other than recovering alcoholics, never trust someone who doesn’t drink.