By implementing the choice of the parent to choose how they want their child educated. While also making it easier to remove bad teachers, seeing as they are protected by the union.

Wrong. Tell your buddy the only person who ran is him and I have the proof on this post.

The mass deportation of illegal immigrants, complete tear down and rebuilding of our education system, completely dismantling of the AHCA, energy independence, the ending of birthright citizenship for children who's parents are illegal immigrants.

Which do you disagree with?

I am for some of it and against some of it.

What is project 2025 exactly and not some interpretation. Show me the exact writings.

I'm aware of what it is. I'm want to make sure you do.

Oh you don't want to do it over voice?

Fine. First of all. What is project 2025, really. Show me exactly, and not some translation form the huffington post.

I said "absolutely."

When would you like to set up the debate?

To true.

I really don't feel bad for them. To be such a vile person as to use this kind of entertainment as your means of coping with your existence is just flat out sad.

I mean every single minute of their day is commenting here. That is a new kind if low that I hope I never have to experience.

Your comment was ate again.

I refer you to my pervious comment.

Your comment was ate.

I ask you to provide proof of the ruling. What was actually said?

Coops are not socalisim. A business is not a government. Why do you keep making that false equivalency? Oh because you can only debate in bad faith.

No I'm not

Says the child that thinks he's smarter than the founding fathers.

"A republic, if you can keep it" - Benjamin Franklin

A republic isn't a democracy. They are two separate forms of government. That's a fact and no one other than yourself and this troll believes that.

Which isn't surprising seeing as you think socalisim is viable.


Just when I thought you couldn't surprise me further.

Amen. I have spent months just ignoring them. But for some reason I just had this thought to give them a chance. Maybe he or she whatever it is, is just misunderstood.

To my shock /s. I was mistaken. Lesson learned. I'm not going to lose sleep over it

I mean this is all he has. Just look at his comment history. It's all day everyday, very few gaps in between his responses.

If I had to guess all jokes aside. I think hes disabled, and this is all he has to occupy himself.