So....... grinding up a pipe, (or several) over gay pride stairs is his idea of straight? Haha

Because, like everything else, there are good unions and bad unions. I have had the luck of dealing with work in and outside of unions, all positive experiences, eventually chose outside and it's worked out better for me, but some of my family dealt with bad unions where it didn't matter how good or devoted you were to work/union, superiority or bs screwed them.

In all, from my experience a well run union with good people working in it can usually be the best option, but like I said previously, it ain't always that way, and could even be a nightmare at times

Portion control, Keep yourself busy, And MOST IMPORTANTLY, remove all the processed garbage we eat on a daily basis. It is not that hard, excess or bad weight will fall right off, and if you want to tone the body right, hit the gym


Dayum this is a tough one for me,

Maybe Dead Space series Or Total War games

That lady definitely needs major help. And what's sad and worrisome is there are people that are gonna defend her. But they definitely should show more of the clip

They're separated by the sahara, and most of north africa has a lot of european mixture, Especially in Roman and pre-medieval times with the Huge migrations from Central and southern Europe.

Holy crap thats gotta be bad, I work in the sun most days, then hit the gym, I cannot for the life of me not take a shower when I get home, let alone lay in bed all sticky and nasty

Hard to day as life is perceived differently as a kid, I was a kid in the 90s, but seemed way more fun and exciting at times compared to today, and people seemed to get along way better back then, or atleast in general I don't remember this polarization, I'm mixed and grew up in a southern mostly white small town.

Aliens, I was like 6 and it was mid 90s, shit scarred me pretty bad lol, yet now I love horror films and even the Alien movies

Lol, and a large portion of commenter's on here are blasting about the racism, police brutality and broken law enforcement system. Thank goodness this didn't blow up on social media

I pods, I think 2011 or 2012 was their peak? Pretty much everyone in a gym or out in a city had them on their armband or pocket with the wired earphones in

2 fluently, English, (native), Spanish (learned from mother, 2 partially, German and French

My mind, choices made in the last, but slowly crawling back up

I believe very lucky, I've traveled to many countries outside mine, It blows my mind how crazy it could be.

No one, it usually doesn't help and might even be worse, so I have to rely on myself and push thru any issues that spring up

I remember my first freedive down to the bell, it was 150 feet down, got a bit spooked when I got to the bottom, but it was such an amazing feeling!

Well, one other option would be to Work for yourself on your own land and provide for yourself, which would be a 24/7 job

🤣🤣🤣 suck your mom's dick! 🤣🤣🤣

Sign me up! I was easily training 3 hours a day In college rugby, I'd be epically fit again getting paid for it lol