The draft was the last week of April so the rosters weren't locked in until the May 6th episode of Raw.

Melo fumbled hard and you can't do that with one of the best talkers on the roster. He'll make you pay for it. And Kayla could have been replaced by a mic stand on wheels.

Agreed. Art is a great character, but the movies haven't anything amazing. I appreciate the gore and special effects, but the plot has left a lot to be desired so far.

Ain't No Rest for the Wicked by Cage the Elephant

I think this is a case of this book not being designed to fit your party's playstyle. This adventure has plenty of exploration in the form of dungeons. The party has a very clear objective to follow in each section, and there should be a fairly strict time pressure to solve the problem.

Steve and Larson, particularly Steve, have become such WWE and Triple H ball lickers. It's crazy.

It's no wonder their indie promotion doesn't get the same hype as DPW or Prestige. They sound like they couldn't book their way out of a wet paper bag.

This is why you use lighter fluid, not gasoline. Also a fire extinguisher or two nearby. Or just don't do this in the first place.

Instead of a fight, you could make up a series of challenges to get their stuff back. A card game, a drinking contest, an arm wrestling match, a musical showdown.


I didn't delete anything. 

I'm not arguing that rhyming the same two words is generally lazy. I'm saying that generalizing an entire genre makes you look foolish and ignorant. Which you have doubled and tripled down on at this point.

There's no point in carrying on any sort of discourse with you because you are a fool.

You're lazy for not doing any actual research or trying to understand something you clearly know nothing about while making definitive statements on the subject.

The Beastie Boys never took themselves too seriously, which is part of why they were so great.

The words of someone who has never actually listened to hip-hop.

What's wrong with this one? Atlantic is a record label/distribution group for music. Comparing drug dealing to selling music.

The second line is supposed to be "Acting like life is a big rehearsal." But they kept in the mess up as a joke on Mike D.

There are a lot of "I'm 19 years old and know everything" vibes from a good chunk of that album. Instrumentality it still holds up pretty well.

Because your points have no basis in reality, you imbecile.

I didn't say they were. I just said they were also really good live.