No pride "month" started in 1999. There was always a pride DAY. Research isn't that hard, you should try it some time.

Never realized they put pride month over top of men's mental health month. Isn't that a perfect metaphor for today's world

You have to understand that for people like me it's like a whole new game. I'll literally do entire playthroughs and only advance so I can build in all of the settlement locations. You have to have a vision of what you want the settlement to be and really get into it. Using it as a "free home"isn't really what we're doing here. We're playing the game in order to get what we need to build the settlements, not using settlements to help us to do other stuff in the game.

If you can get yourself in that mindset you'll be able to get more into the building

Do you talk like this in real life? If so I'm surprised you find anyone to hook up with

No you're asking about mixing prescription drugs together on a swingers subreddit. Ask a damn doctor

It just wasn't that fun compared to aoe2. They went for roughly the same time period as aoe2 but it seemed like a downgrade in features, civ selection etc. Only thing better was the graphics.

Whoa guys we found the redditor edgy enough to answer the question in a way that makes them sound deep

Can you tell me where you live, so i know to never ever ever visit a place that thinks that is pizza?

Is this really a thing? Some men think washing their ass is gay? I feel like that's gotta be a meme and not true

It sounds like you need to give porn a break OP. It shouldn't be this serious

Get on the apps

Get into fantastic shape (no a big dick isn't a replacement for this)

Start sending out messages.

That's it

This was written by a virgin lmao

Nobody wants to subscribe to your shitty only fans. Go away

I'm not misunderstanding anything. You both are children

Any reason you haven't used lifestyle apps to find single men for this? Seems like there'd be a good amount out there that would love to be in a relationship like this

Saints and sinners AC is open all year round.

They'll understand that his successor might not be as benevolent as him and will have all the power because of that ripped up constitution. Have a little foresight here

Benevolent dictators 100% of the time set up their respective countries for tyrants if they don't concede power when the job is done.

People praising him too hard right now are not thinking of the future