Ohhhhhhh my gooooshhhhhh SWEET BABIESS!!!! You’re amazing!!!! Georgie and Gracie are so lucky!!!

I’m late to the party but I randomly thought of Gracie and how she was doing, I had to sift through my comment history to find you again (for some reason the updates didn’t pop up in my feed). Glad she’s doing well!!!

Cutting out my abusive older sibling was the best thing for my own mental health, physical health, and overall sanity.

You can’t change them, can’t change their enablers, and can’t change the situation. You’ll still be the “bad-guy” no matter how hard you try to make it work.

So let them have their weird narrative to justify their terrible behaviour… and live your life in peace.

Also, I’d stop helping your parents, if he’s the favourite, then he can help them out instead.

I have to really hammer that down with all of my private students… and many still don’t bother using one…

Every week:

They bungle the rhythm of a song or exercise.

Me: “Did you practice this with a click?”

Them: “No…. I probably should start doing that, eh?”

Me: “Yes, it’s vital to be able to play the songs you’re wanting to learn.”

They continue to not practice with a metronome and we have the same conversation the following week.

My tastes haven’t changed, I just stopped looking down on “popular” things that people enjoyed during my youth.

Now I’m just neutral towards them and am happy to see someone enjoying things in life, even if they’re not my cup of tea.

For starters, congrats on your first show!

I didn’t cry at my first show, but was nervous about wanting it to go well (or at least be at an acceptable level).

Felt pretty giddy afterwards! Gets you pumped to keep doing it!

They got smart enough to open the bedroom door… at 5AM to demand food…

We’ve never fed them at that time so we have no idea where the habit came from, but they still do it.


It was my favourite movie growing up, and I had an obsession with tornados as a kid because of it. Twister still has a permanent place in my heart almost 30 years later, and I would still happily watch it everyday if I had the time.

We have a digital copy now but I also still have the original VHS tape from the 90’s.

“Drinks, smokes, uneducated, dependent, disrespectful, bad cook, ugly, multi-man woman. No, we don’t exist.”

Somehow, reversing everything she says makes me chuckle.

A bit of eyeliner and brightening the dark circles under your eyes isn’t racist, your friend needs to go touch grass.

I’ve seen the opposite at a particular venue, where they get the official FOH engineer for the venue to mix the opening band, and because he knows the system and room very well, he makes them sound great.

Then when the headlining acts come on with their own sound guy, he isn’t as familiar with the room or system so they somehow sound worse.

From my observations, these girls are usually projecting their insecurities because they end up actually being the ones passed around.

My identity in Jr. High was that I’d hate anything popular, I liked rock music, and dressed grungy, etc.

It was funny because my best friend at the time was preppy while I was a rocker.

We liked our yin and yang fashion & personality dynamic, and thought we were a quirky pair of friends. We genuinely clicked really well though, and are still friends to this day.

We’d have fun dragging each other to activities that were outside of our chosen aesthetic (i.e. she’d take me to girly movies or malls, and I’d take her to rock concerts and get her to watch obscure 80’s movies with me, etc).

That sucks, two different singers got stage freight so severe that they bailed on a gig? I’m gonna agree with some of the other pieces of advice here: Gig first, record second.

Ya’ll gotta sit down and make a compromise together, find a middle ground. Have you talked to him about this in the past? If not, then a good hangout to discuss it amicably would do well.

Also, are you guys close friends as bandmates? My bassist and I have played together for a while, and we’re long-time friends. He has no issue telling me when my playing or guitar tone is absolute ass. I also take no offense when he tells me that because it’s probably true, so I make serious efforts to improve each time.

That’s not normal, man…. Not normal at all. Your family is behaving weird and I’d be on red alert after an incident like that.

I’ve grown up around conservative and non-conservative type families, and both were totally fine with young kids being shirtless regardless of gender.

The logic was always, “they’re too young for it to be an issue and they look the same from the waist up. So who cares?”

Someone there is suspicious, so I wouldn’t leave my kid alone with any of them if they’re acting like that.

My band and I are in desperate need of a minivan for touring and gear hauling purposes. You’ve got a dream-car for a gigging musician. I’d kill for a 2016 Chrysler Town and Country.

Yeah just power through it, man. Don’t leave them hanging.

Then afterward, learn to say no and/or give yourself some criteria that must be met before accepting the gig:

  • how much pay?
  • how much work/travel is involved?
  • will I enjoy this?

I used to not own an umbrella or any rain gear before I moved here… nor did I pay attention to the weather forecast.

I learned a very important lesson one day when I thought I could just kinda “walk” to my destination fast enough that the rain wouldn’t hit me too bad…

I ended up getting drenched from head to toe, soaked through to my clothes, even my wallet in my jacket pocket was wet.

I bought an umbrella the next day and some waterproofing spray for my shoes. I pay attention to the weather app before I leave the house, etc.

Being prepared since then, things have been good.

It gets a bit depressing due to the lack of sun in the winter, but I recommend just getting a winter hobby to pass the time until spring returns.

Glad to help solve the mystery of the mysterious New West sound! :)

Nice! If you’re keen to share it I’m sure we’d love to see! :)

I was wondering what happened! My internet went out and all my lights dipped for a second.