đź‘· Good Union Jobs For All

If you believe that, organize! Force them into abiding by it.

Get involved with community action programs. Mutual aid. Research forming a union in your workplace. Listen to the stories of people around the world who have organized against a “renter economy.”

The “best” economy in the United States occurred in 1973 and it’s been downhill, with brief plateaus since. I mean “best” in the sense that wages had maximal purchasing power in the domestic economy compared to today: a greater proportion of families than today could thrive off a single income. Folks will make all sorts of excuses and obfuscations around that simple fact. But it’s true.

In a “good” capitalism, two somewhat-skilled adults working full-time should be riding that gravy train into the sunset…rather than fatalistically and painstakingly devoting 80%, 95% or 100% of their incomes to rent or mortgage, debt (student and medical, in particular), 401k and Roth contributions, regular groceries and healthcare, let alone things like paid-childcare. Forget vacationing somewhere for more than a weekend, haha!

I appreciate the response. Yeah, either one needs to hear this or they don’t. Anyone actually doing it, it’s obviously not about them. I am in year 1 of a 3 year union campaign that involves multiple facilities with a ton of variables that could go sideways. Yes to classes. Yes to seminars. Yes to as much literature and personal guidance as you can get your hands on. If you don’t have a good support network and mentors who’ve dealt with the issues you’re going to encounter, you’re setting yourself up for failure. I agree it isn’t as simple as “I declare a general strike,” and your point about revolutionary leaders rings true as well.

It means almost none of the content I submit there remains up for more than 2 hours and of similar quality and format to others. My video option is completely removed, despite other users posting videos. My posts were quite popular there. I am assuming I’m shadow banned. I haven’t had a dm with anyone who runs that sub.

I’m not a Reddit mod, but I’ve modded other forums and FB pages before. All in all it’s not that serious.

If you identify with PSL most of all, you can always be an “ambassador” of PSL active in another organization (party rules permitting). Or consider forming a branch where you are. It’s pretty common to hold dual multiple memberships and just do what you can where and when you can.

I was shadow-banned about 8 months ago. Haha.