Nobody is this stupid. She is straight up plotting to steal from you.

Don't be an idiot


America in a nutshell. Animal hid and died and company is replacing it, but my experience has been ruined should I be able to sue for money.

Harrison Barnes

Role players are allowed the comfort of taking open shots at low volume.

1st options take more difficult shots at higher volume.

With increased volume efficiency numbers are expected to drop.

With your logic Grayson allen was a better shooter than curry last year

Harrison Barnes

Sac to la flight. 1 hr

La to la drive 1 hr

Harrison Barnes

Volume matters.

Derozan number one option putting up 24-4-5

Barnes 5th option putting up 12-3-1

Harrison Barnes

I think he is a fine player, he just has some major holes to work on.

As a 4th option he is fine and even good if he can just focus on defense. His offense irritates me and is completely reliant on others getting him shots.

I'm just sick of the fans who keep drooling over him like he's some future all star. He has a long ways to go to even be a good offensive player. Harrison barnes has a lot more offensive talent than keegan right now he just never shoots the ball.

Harrison Barnes

Hell no to hardaway

At some point you have to look at life and finances as two different things.

Will you look back at having your kids on your deathbed with regret? Unlikely

Will you really care how comfortable you are in retirement maxing out your retirement income so you can live better than you do today lol. I highly doubt you will make any good memories with your Ira.

Harrison Barnes

Keegan was ok last year. The offense was noticeably worse than the year before and keegan contributed to that. He wasn't a sniper anymore and he still can't dribble, get to the ft line, or pass the ball.

His offensive bag is not great currently but his defense was nice. Well his perimeter defense was nice, he can guard 1-4 but is better at guards because he isn't physical enough to deal with paint.

He's still very much a potential guy. Last year his real impact just didn't meet the eye test. Advanced stats like vorp had him as exact same value as his rookie season.

Make the court bigger to accommodate the corner three being a real three.

This would also make more space for the mid range guys to operate

Harrison Barnes

The penalties keep getting worse, so keeping teams together is hard for everyone now.

Boston has a good shot of winning a few titles, but denver is already leaking talent after 1. Suns probably wish they never got durant. Knicks are paying a lot of good players a ton of money, but they all have issues and none are top 10 guys. That team could easily disappoint.

Harrison Barnes

Brandon ingram Is basically the same player but plays 60 games a year at most. The only advantage is his youth. He would cost double and probably give you the same production.

This is a good cheaper option. The other option is kuzma and he has lots of issues as well.

The perfect two way players aren't gonna be available. You have to sacrifice health, age, or gamble on someone whose on a bad team like Stewart.

Derozan is a known asset, aging star player who is durable. This is a solid move

Harrison Barnes

Barnes hides in a corner half the game too afraid of his own shadow

Harrison Barnes

Yep, keegan and domas can't iso for shit

Harrison Barnes

We need a number two option. Domas and keegan are not good enough scorers

Harrison Barnes

Lol nice strawman argument.

Mixing out a comparable player is better than sticking with what you have when what you have has no potential to win . The new parts may work together better which means change is better compared to staying static.

You're already losing, losing worse is irrelevant

Kuminga is one of the best athletes in the nba. Getting rid of him at 21 when he's already putting good numbers is dumb

Harrison Barnes

Actually you do make moves for the sake of making moves. Staying the same when you have no potential is quite stupid

Yeah we're in Sacramento so people can drive there round trip 4 hours and load up and sell to friends. This isn't far away

Tank for a cpl years and then recruit luka or some shit

Harrison Barnes

Ever had lol. Chris webber and co were a lot better than this team. Jesus Christ