I just can't be assed

I suppose if your goal is to half-ass it then you've accomplished your goal.

I'd suggest looking at some photo references for eyes and avoid ever using pure white or pure black. There shouldn't be that much white visible around the darker part of the eye and it shouldn't be anywhere near pure white.

All of the Remington contract.

Your article link literally shows a picture of a Remington 1891, not a dragoon, so that claim is false.

WTF does any of that have to do with your claim of US made dragoons?

I feel as though there would never be a 50 ft tree right at the threshold of the runway.

You might be surprised. For example Sekiu airport http://www.airnav.com/airport/11s officially has 30' trees 300' from the end of the pavement that are supposedly 17' right of centerline but I can tell you from experience you're either dropping over them or swerving around them on very short final. I wouldn't be surprised if those trees have grown to a bit more than 30' since the official measurements were done. And that's a paved city-owned public airport, this one http://www.airnav.com/airport/ESW has your choice of 45' trees 150' from the end of the pavement or 80' trees 250' from the end of the grass depending on the direction. Or there's https://www.airnav.com/airport/6S9 where there's just an ominous note for runway 31 of "TREES IN THE APPROACH AREA" and you'd better be good at judging the height of that obstacle.

So yeah, you won't have to deal with obstacles right at the end of the pavement if you're only flying into 5000' paved runways with good services but your PPL allows you to go into some places with very tight obstacles. If you haven't already ask your CFI to go into an actual short and obstructed field so you can see what you're dealing with. After the first terrified go-around I think he'll realize how bad his technique is.

If you actually care about being imperial fists

Self-imposed lore restrictions are not relevant to competitive play.

or wanna run tor garradon

Sure, and Tau players can't take Farsight if they want to take ethereals. They're still playing Tau.

Depends on the scenario. Some displaced thresholds are displaced because the surface isn't intended to be used, some displaced thresholds are displaced because there are obstacles that won't allow a standard glide slope to reach the end of the pavement. If you land on the first kind you might break through the surface and damage the plane, if you land on the second it's just normal pavement and the only danger is that you hit the obstacle the displaced threshold is supposed to be protecting you from.

On a short field landing you are not flying the standard glide slope. You're supposed to be flying a much steeper approach, using flaps and slips to keep your speed low so that when you clear the obstacle and start the flare you touch down promptly with minimal float. Ignore the standard glide slope and fly a path that clears the obstacle and intersects the ground about 3-500' before your intended touch down point (since the flare will take you some distance past your original aim point as you level off).

If your CFI is telling you to fly a standard glide slope with less than full flaps and come in with extra speed he is setting you up for failure.

A lot of my thoughts on this, come from the fact that I believe i could perform it if the 50ft obstacle wasn’t right at the threshold.

What this is simulating is a short runway with a 50' obstacle about 1000' from the end of the runway. You need to clear the obstacle and then touch down at the start of the pavement because you only have 1500' of runway to work with. This is the kind of situation you will commonly see with short fields.

Why is the obstacle “right at the threshold?” No one would build a runway to the base of an obstacle.

I suspect there are obstacle clearance rules for runway design that would displace the threshold if an obstacle were there.

This all applies to normal airports, not to some random backcountry grass field or private airport.

If VP isn't used as a tiebreaker then what's the point in "talking it out"? Just record the score as-is, a 20-18 win is just as good as a 100-10 win. The only reason it comes up is when VP is a tiebreaker and people want to improve their tiebreaker scores.

And the fact that collusion to manipulate scoring is tolerated in 40k should be a massive embarrassment to the community. I have no idea why people are so accepting of something that would be grounds for lifetime bans in other games/sports.

Why can't you play yellow deathwing knights? You know GW removed all the painting rules, right?

or not wholly visible to every model in the shooting unit)

This only applies if the model is not wholly visible because of a piece of terrain or unit which says "if a model is not wholly visible because of this it gets the benefit of cover". Merely being partially obscured behind a random vehicle or whatever gives no benefit.

"Be in arc of 2+ enemy ships" is hardly easy, not unless you want to throw away your ship for nothing.

Only one party has devoted itself to a man who brags about his sexual attraction to children.

But it's not me you need to convince. Some day you will stand before God and have to explain to Him how you watched a man boast of the abuses he committed against children and said "I'm ok with that as long as I keep my guns".

Better to lose all my guns than to lose my soul voting for the pedophile party.

Hey look, it's one of those people who thinks refusing to vote for the pedophile party is worse than the party refusing to reject a leader who brags about his sexual attraction to children.

People are suggesting "talking it out" in a super casual friend tournament and that's valid but just remember that in anything more serious "talking it out" is collusion to manipulate scoring and cheating. If points are not scored on the table it is cheating to invent a story about how you totally would have scored them if things had gone differently and add them to your score, and it is also cheating to knowingly allow your opponent to do it.

Remember that you can forfeit the game at any time. Your models are removed from play and your opponent plays out the rest of the game to score whatever VP they can.

I've wrapped my head around list building but I'm still clueless on how to make a list synergise.

Sounds like you haven't wrapped your head around list building then. Your list choices follow from your strategy, you don't create a list and then try to figure out how to play it. Otherwise how would you decide what units and upgrades to pick when making your list?

Also, 1000 points is not a competitive play format (the topic of this sub) and even if you found a 1000 point game a 1010 point list is illegal.

Yes it’s true that some republicans have a bad 2A record

The entire national party has a bad 2A record. Reagan loved gun control, both Bushes loved gun control, Trump loved gun control. And even when the republicans had the ability to pass whatever laws they wanted without any support from democrats they didn't do anything to roll back gun control laws. No abolishing the NFA, no limits on the ATF's power, no attempts at fighting state-level bans.

The reality is that republicans, as a whole, do not want an armed working class any more than the democrats. Their corporate owners have just figured out it's easier to let the democrats pass the laws and then quietly fail to overturn them. It's kind of like how the democrats made a whole lot of noise about abortion to farm votes but never bothered to do anything to prevent the inevitable bans. You've entirely bought into propaganda and you're giving them exactly what they want.

You'd have a lot less "blue no matter who" if the republican party hadn't fallen meekly in line behind a confessed pedophile who thinks any election he didn't win should be overturned.

That still seems a bit wide. Abeam the numbers you should already be descending, checklists should be run on downwind before you start your descent. So you make your crosswind turn at 700', roll out on downwind, adjust the mixture, and then immediately push it right back in?

Also, I'd be worried about building a different set of bad habits if you're routinely pulling the mixture back some random amount without proper leaning. For example, what if you take off with the mixture already leaned for high density altitude and then instinctively pull it again on climb out and cut your engine? I suppose you theoretically just push it back in if you react correctly but that sounds like the start of an NTSB report.

Get your sport license (so you don't need a medical certificate as long as you never attempt to obtain one and fail the exam) and fly for a hobby.

If you absolutely want to pursue this as a career even if it means risking permanently losing the hobby option then get your first class medical certificate before spending anything on training. It's going to be a massive uphill battle for you with no guarantee of success but at least if you can't get the FAA to clear your medical issues you won't lose anything financially.

Don't bother. SPL has zero purpose if you are eligible for a medical certificate (and if you aren't you won't be upgrading to a PPL), just get your full PPL and fly LSAs if/when they are relevant to you.