I wish people would post the name of the song and artist with the lyrics.

Whoever took this and posted it is getting fired. But bless them!

This is fascinating. How do I see the Mobile Bay chart?

What is wrong with a guy from Mobile? I’m married by the way, but I was just curious if there is a stereotype out there about guys from Mobile or something.

There are tons of parks in Mobile. Not sure why you said there are only two? You can google Mobile parks and it pulls up many, many more.

And you mentioned the Walmart in Tillmans corner when answering his question about hospitality in the city. What a random and unhelpful response for the question being asked by the OP. Tillman’s corner is WAY out, nearly outside the city limits on the western edge.

Mobile is seeing major growth recently and in the near future. Very positive things are happening. As for any serious crime, it is almost always in certain areas that you would have no reason to go to. Just like most cities. And between people that know each other, and neither is up to any good. Not random, if that makes sense. I have lived here for decades and have never been a victim of crime of any sort, nor has anyone on my family.

Not sure what part of New Orleans you went to, but I have been going there for decades. Never had a problem. Never felt unsafe. Now, if you go to certain neighborhoods in that city away from crowds, I could see it being a little sketchy. Curious about what happened to make you feel unsafe.

“Mail order bride named ‘Nerdylemonadefriend’, I am your shuttle.”

Thank you so much for your reply! Yes, the vet did a very thorough physical exam and found nothing physically wrong. The photos are from the last few days. I took my beardie in because it was his one year follow up general health exam. I can’t thank you enough for your reply.

Thank you so much for your reply. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. Any feedback. Good or bad is helpful to me. Could a BD have cancer this early? (I definitely understand you aren’t a vet. But, just your experience)

Man, I understand the sentiment. I was born in Mobile. However, I have a different perspective. Food for thought. I have since lived in Orlando, Washington DC, Atlanta and San Francisco. I moved back to Mobile to start a business, which is thriving and growing. It is super business friendly. In my personal experience (I can’t speak for others), there is a MUCH bigger difference between being rural vs urban in regards to quality of life, rather than North/South or Blue/Red states. I don’t know where you are in Alabama, but I would highly recommend you check out Mobile, Huntsville or maybe Birmingham.

Sounds like they live in a house that has a major drainage problem. If that’s what happens when it barely rains, it won’t be long before it rains enough to cause a real problem. Florida has HEAVY rain regularly during the summer. That’s not necessarily a Florida problem. Bad drainage can be anywhere.