There’s one for seraphon, exactly. Repeating once or twice is fine of course - “bloodthirsty” could absolutely do double duty for soulblight and Khorne for instance.

“Monstrous” did a bit of heavy lifting there, I see. I feel like there were other words they could have used to give the same vibe.

Honestly analysis like this is as much a part of why I come to this sub as the morbid fascination with the stories

He's not doing that though, it sounds like. He's said he's going to stay in touch with his father even after his mother finishes school and is in a better place work-wise. OP sounds like he intends to keep his side of the bargain as long as his father keeps his, and has admitted he feels better about his father for this. I think it's the start on the road to reconciliation, if he so chooses. Either way, he's doing it for his mum.

Just wanted to offer my support and kudos on how you handled the situation with your dad. That was well done and some excellent big picture thinking. Not a lot of kids or adults for that matter, would be able to compartmentalize their feelings about a parent like that. That's impressive. As for his new wife, yeah, NTA of course.

Welcome - I have an idea of how you feel. The launch of 3rd edition is what encouraged me to take the plunge into the hobby. The power of the hype train is real.

Well that’s a lot of fun information! Seems like the Askurga Renkai are worlds apart from the Askurgan Trueblades in how they view humans. White Dwarf gives some pretty vivid descriptions of how the trueblades torture humans as a means of honing their willpower in resisting the urge to feed. Locking themselves in coffins with living folks, hanging them up and slowly exsanguinating them, etc

Myrmidesh Painbringers - A Hedonite core unit for me. Before the 3rd edition battletome, had mortals on sixes, good hit/wound and a strong save. In 3rd, even though it lost its mortals on sixes, became more durable and great at holding objectives, especially when paired with a Lord of Pain or Hubris.

Symbaresh Twinsouls - Always liked them, especially in a group of 10 with their 3 attacks each and 2 inch range. Range got reduced with 3rd but fit the damage dealer space that GW was clearly putting them just as Myrmidesh became more about defending. A reinforced unit of 10 could potentially rip apart most things they went up against - especially with the debuffs to enemies.

Goddamn now I’m hungry again. Food, wine and games - sounds awesome!

"But Astreia went "are you sure? are sure you just don't want to be the person you're pretending to be?""

Yeah, and it clearly struck a nerve with him. Though he definitely likes acting (and overacting) as we saw in the Goremayne short story. His love of the over the top role kind of makings him low key funny/relatable. He might be insane but he's legitimately having fun a lot of the time.

Love this compilation and y’all in the follow up comments. Thanks!

I think she’s also annoyed because on some level the ex know she’s was being unreasonable. We all have those moments, especially under stress - humans aren’t rational creatures. But making her voice this in front of a third party (the therapist) may have been embarrassing. Therapists may not judge but ex could be judging herself and taking it out on OP. Not a justification of course, just a theory.

FFS, as a dog person the dog would be reason enough but he also said he doesn’t have any sick leave. That would be a reason on its own for him to keep a fair distance. He won’t get paid and depending on the job could get fired. People have different views on pets but surely she can’t expect him to risk his job for what amounts to little more than moral support once he gets sick alongside her.

We can’t stop a genocide if we lose our democracy. No one’s asking you to like it.

And if you want to get right down to it, we need to protect our own rights before worrying about other countries. Israel is committing atrocities but this is a triage situation. What will “sending a message” in solidarity with Palestine matter if our future elections are in danger?

Less fans of Yale than full ride scholarship. Do you know how hard those are to get and how hard you have to work? OP deserves this and it would be foolish to let all that work go to waste.

This is mental and verbal abuse, plain and simple. They're asking you to hamstring your future. Ignore them to the best of your ability and go forward with your plans. Sounds like they won't pay for school but in this case loans or financial aid may help.

Stand strong. If Alice values her relationship with you, she'll accept the situation. She's getting a pretty sweet deal and if she's at all reasonable, she'll see that. Looking at this from the most charitable perspective, what you're seeing right now is her adjusting to reality versus her expectations.

Cause clearly the mods - or a few of them - agree with the bigots at least on some level. So they don’t like seeing them repudiated.

Just confirmed by GW in the Sylvaneth 4E post - soul pods are referred to as "rescued aelven soul stuff" in the intro. Warhammer Age of Sigmar Faction Focus: Sylvaneth - Warhammer Community (

Confirming that they are indeed of aelven origin, presumably from the old world.

I’m sorry why is everyone so concerned with Jess’s feelings here? Sure she had it rough and that’s unfortunate but as she said herself, she’s “of age.” Which means she’s treated as an adult - hijacking conversations and inserting your opinion constantly would be incredibly irritating even if it wasn’t complete drivel.

Since she was forcing her supreme ignorance on people like this, they’re going to clap back eventually to take her down a peg. Especially since she came in with a chip on her shoulder, it sounds like.

Factor in an emotional and taxing situation like fertility treatments and you’re just asking for a sharp response. She’s a stranger to them essentially, they’re only going to tolerate this so long. Others would have said a lot worse.

Wolves and blood knights. Wolves are ending looking good relatively quickly and you can go as detailed or simple as you wanted. Blood knights are complex in a fun way - with their segmented armor and barding you can do them methodically piece by piece.

Welcome! Your story made me chuckle - classic skaven. How do you feel about the range refresh? Think you'll pick up the new grey seer model for Nihilus or give Corpse Chewer a mount with new claw lord?

Also, was Nihilus inspired at all by the character from the Roll Models comic on Warhammer Community?

Mostly instinctual or trial and error - the those who do something right survive and go on to keep surviving. Thate being said, Black Orcs have been stated to do drills as a unit in their down time, so they do train after a fashion. But other orcs just find this weird as hell.