Omg you poor thing. I’m so sorry for your pain. You did make both me and my husband laugh with “but birth sure did!!!” 😂

Certainly something to look forward to on top of everything else.

It hurts too much to walkQuestion

It started with pelvic pain, then it felt like a trapped nerve in the pelvic bone and where my leg connects, the pain goes down the leg.

These are painful to walk but come and go. I make sure I sit up on my side before getting out of bed, I try to walk a bit to ease it up and it does help a little.

But yesterday, the underside of my bump HURT! Like really hurt and I was in so much pain I couldn’t stand up.

I know baby is head down because they saw him that was on my scan at 28 weeks. But he feels really low down and a lot of his kicking (I guess punching) was on my bladder and cervix and then all the pain of the bump plus the pelvis and the nerve pain.

I have a band but it just seems to make things worse. I’m going to try to find a physio but is it normal for him to be SO low down? Im only 29 weeks.

Anyone else struggling with this?

We both swore after my son that we didn’t want more. We told our best friend to talk us out of it if we even thought about it. My pregnancy was hell and my son while a lovely kind hearted and active healthy little boy is a major handful.

Four years later I’m here, 29 weeks with another boy and another hellish pregnancy. My husband and I both changed our minds and decided he needed a sibling (we’d also secretly hoped for a girl this time, oops).

The reality is that your husband may change his mind, or you might. There really are no guarantees but you should both try to be on the same page either way.

The silent treatment? Oh wow. That’s so sad for your sister. We had to use it too because we were early and had an emergency c section. It’s not a mark of failure at all.

Exactly! I’m all for positivity but let me have a moan too? Pregnancy is HARD!!

Just stop!Rant

I made a joke post about being pregnant. It was a clip from instagram of a woman saying she'd like a prize or reward for going through the whole pregnancy thing while the husband doesn't have to suffer at all.

My sister responded. We obviously had very different pregnancies. Hers was 21 years ago now so even if it was hard, she's clearly forgotten, although she did say hers had been easy.

Mine however, has all day morning sickness, exhaustion, wild hormonal fluctuations, nightmares, acid reflux, pelvic seperation pain, any number of trapped nerves, sciatic pain, (I am actually having to use crutches at the moment just to get around the house), gestational diabetes (for the last one, I need to take a test for this one), and so on and on and on.

I haven't posted anything at all on social media about being pregnant until now and she literally JUST came for a visit where she could see I was unable to walk and how hard it's been this time around. All with a 4 year old to boot.

Can't she just let me have my ONE complaint? ONE in 7 months?

Her - Takes 2 to tango 

Me - Yes but one gets to have fun for 3 minutes and the other gets 9 months of pure hell. :P

Her - That’s one way to look at it! However what about 3minutes of fun compared to the miracle of your body growing and creating this tiny human? ;)

Ok I'm done. Thanks for letting me rant.

Our son eats what we eat. For breakfast ofc he gets a choice, cereal or toast or eggs etc…

He eats lunch during the week at kindergarten and his evening meal is with us, at the table and he has what we’re having.

I refuse to make separate meals not out of cruelty but because there is always a variety of choices on his plate that there is bound to be something he’ll like.

We also ask his input several times a week as to what we will eat. And he never has to clear his plate. Our only stipulation is that he must try at least a bite of everything and eat enough to not go to bed hungry.

He’s four and there isn’t anything I can think of that he won’t eat at all.

It helps that I’m British, my husband is French and we live in Denmark so he’s always had a wide variety of foods to experience.

We also had strict rules around family that no one was allowed to « ew » At foods. He needed to approach foods from a neutral standpoint and not be taught that foods are unpleasant or yacky. It’s worked out well for us.

Sorry that was a wall of text and probably more information than you needed. 😂

I cried because I dreamt my husband left me for a friend of ours.

At this age your son is just playing dress up. Mine is exactly the same. He asked for a dress at three and we got him one from Disneyland. He loved to twirl in it.

I’m ordering crocs for him and he’s asked for the pink ones. He loves rainbow colours, and hearts and flowers and I just try to allow it as much as possible. My husband is a bit more uncomfortable with it but he’s shrugs and lets it pass and his dad is visibly uncomfortable but is trying hard to just accept that this is what my son likes.

Allow him to experiment and it helps him to boost his confidence. Your husband will have to come around a little bit and it’ll be hard and that’s understandable.

As for the townsfolk… they can mind their business. It’s easy for me to say because I live in Denmark where things are fairly liberal but honestly, who cares what strangers think. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Even if you know them, they don’t matter as much as your family does.

I feel like I could have written this post as my mom is the same about my born son. She often refers to him as her baby and I tell her no.

She’s a super toxic person so I have to have firm boundaries with her. If she’s decided to stop speaking to you about this then it seems she’s doing you a favour. Enjoy the peace thé break brings because no doubt she’ll be back soon enough and won’t have learned a thing from the experience.

My mom used to come into our rooms singing, throw open the curtains and if we didn’t get up would pour water on us. I hated all of it.

With my four year old I do open the blind in his room because it’s a blackout blind but I gently say his name and talk to him to rouse him. It doesn’t take much but I’d never roughly wake him up.

I understand how you feel. I wish we had a little window in there so we can just check on them when we need to.

I went through the same thing a long time ago. We went for our twelve week scan and were told there was no heartbeat and it had stopped growing around 9/10 weeks.

We sent everything off for testing and it came back with a chromosome defect.

It’s a lot more common than you’d think and I assure you, you did nothing wrong.

It also shouldn’t affect the your chances of getting pregnant again in the future.

I now have a very happy and healthy four year old and am 27 weeks along with our next one.

I’m so sorry for your loss but I hope my story shows you that there is life afterwards. Take the time you need to grieve.


I'll be getting another one in about 12 /14 weeks when this next baby is ready to come out.

During my first trimester I lived on toast. Toast for breakfast, toast before bed... if it wasn't for having to make sure my son needed a well balanaced meal, I'd have had toast for dinner too.

Birth planExcitement!

I’ve been torn between C section and VBaC for weeks.

Then yesterday we had an appointment with the midwife and she told me that we can schedule a C section and if I go I to labour before hand I can still choose to try to deliver naturally if I want to, and if I change my mind then they’ll just go straight to a C section AND that my husband can be with me even if it’s an emergency. He wasn’t allowed with my previous one.

They’re going to help me develop a birth plan for any eventuality. I’m so relieved. 🥲

It’s so hard to be rational with a phobia but I’m proud of you.


The first trimester was hell for me. I’m emetophobic so nausea and I are not good friends but I was like you, all day nausea. I’d nibble toast before bed, in tears over how ill I felt.

There were points where I wasn’t sure I could handle the pregnancy continuing. It eased off around week 16/18 and I’m good now.

It feels rotten, and it is but it most likely will get better.

Enjoy pregnancy? Oh hell no. Not any part of it. Nope.

My MIL touched mine when I was like 7 weeks pregnant and I felt super awkward. Much later on around the twelve week mark I told her I didn’t want people touching my stomach and she got a bit offended. “I’m not just a stranger”

Thankfully we don’t live nearby so only see them a few times a year but still. I don’t even like my own mother asking about the size of my stomach never mind anyone touching it.

I’m exhaustedRant

42 years old and 26 weeks pregnant with my second child.

The first trimester was hell. All day nausea and fatigue. I could only eat to dispel the nausea and put on a little more weight than I’d hoped. I’ve gone from 75kgs to 90kgs.

The second trimester has been SO MUCH BETTER. I’ve been able to swap out some junk for fruits, we’re eating mostly well balanced meals with lots of healthy fresh vegetables and proteins. But now the fatigue is back.

Out of breath, constant colds and sinus infections, and still feeling hungry all the time. I was able to start exercising a little this trimester (walking a bit and even cycling), but now that’s starting to get hard.

Husband and son went out yesterday on their bikes to a theme park around 2 hours after I woke up and I was so exhausted I couldn’t even make it half way there. It’s only 10/15 minutes by bike. I had to come home and let them go alone while I sat on the sofa.

Later in the day I tried to do some housework and just Andes up exhausted again with aches underneath my bump.

14 weeks left and I’m worried I’ll just be a fat useless lump long before then.

Anyone else feeling like this?

Right now both my husband and I are often naked in front of our four year old boy. Nudity is common in Denmark and even to the point where we have communal changing rooms at the swimming pool. If my son comes swimming with me he’s going to see a lot of naked ladies. If he goes with papa, he’ll see a lot of naked men. 😂

I don’t want him to think the human body is anything to be ashamed of but we’ll probably stop as soon as any of us feel uncomfortable.

Big Thunder Mountain

Oh I’m so sorry. 😔