I've got people my age I know in the league who are considered older vets, it's surreal.

:oklahoma: :arizona: Oklahoma • Arizona

I don't remember a lot from my teen years, but I vividly remember watching that game in horror while sobbing into my Velveeta Tex-Mex queso someone made.

Yeah... A family member sent me a gif of him slurring his speech as a joke about me coming back from a family golf outing feeling rather rough after the father-in-law surprised the group with mandatory birdie juice (thank God I suck at golf). Told them they didn't need to depress me on our 4th of July trip, shit is just sad to watch, especially when you've got a parent or grandparent who went through that shit.

which leads me to believe there is just some powerful people out there who don’t want her running

Or you know, literally anyone whose somewhat normal or moderate or not related to her, and I wouldn't even be sure about the latter.

If Clinton or Bush did this people would remember and talk about it for years.

You don't have to wonder about it, there's literally a wiki article for Bushisms and a rapper J Cole sampling one of them 12 years later in No Role Modelz. Though to be fair, that quote and song is straight up 🔥



Pretty sure it's as applicable as far as back as cavemen drawing stick people banging it out on cave walls.

Well I regret googling that now. The whole West World thing seems awesome up until you view the uncanny valley side leading up to it.

Thanks for the correction, not sure why I thouhh that. Would make things even more interesting though.

It would probably result in the hilariously tragic scenario that Republicans vote against it and completely run the table.

Federalist Society Lawyer

Snatching people off the street to send to war?

There have been plenty of drafts in American history for mostly foreign wars, drafting for a war by an invading foreign power is pretty reasonable.

Banning free speech?

Again, there's going to be a curtailing of civil rights under martial law during an invasion, and has been no worse than what the US implimented during WWII.

Misappropriating funding?

They've had multiple purges of corrupt beauracrats, again, because survival of their nation is somewhat important and making sure state funds are efficiently used to that effect. Meanwhile you have Putin whose literally one of the richest people in the world along with most of his cronies after pillaging Russia's wealth.

Collaborating with Neo-Nazis?

Neo-Nazis are not a unique problem to Ukraine and far from a prevelant one. It's also a bit understandable that they're going to gave a bit of a different view of the Nazis considering how they ended up under Communist rule during and after WWII, no different than Poland and other Eastern European countries.

I swear, it's fucking pathetic how narrow minded some Americans have become, forgetting our history and beginnings as if we were a flawless democracy that never needed assistance to get out from the yoke of foreign tyrants.

Federalist Society Lawyer

They've shown far more progress than any other former USSR state, funny how that happened as soon as they started distancing themselves from Russia.

Federalist Society Lawyer

So what? Because of some obscure US involvement you're going to ignore that they may have a legitimate complaint when the president their legislature officially removed ran off like a thief with $1.5 billion in gold and we're immediately invaded by Russia when they weren't content to be a puppet state like Belarus?

Federalist Society Lawyer

I know this might be crazy to hear, but the whole point of Ukraine's Maiden protests in 2014 was because of said corruption as a holdover from its time in the USSR. It would probably be wiser to encourage them to continue moving away from that past instead of telling them to fuck off back to being under Russia's thumb.

Just need an iPad and load that shit up with Bluey and strategic juice pack rations.

Real neolibs: let the free market and free trade sort it out

I check in semi-regularly just to get a pulse and cheap laugh at the reaction of the Democrat's incompetence, only to remember the reason I come here instead of /r/politics is because y'all are at least somewhat tolerably relatable.

That’s nuts. 

That's not nuts, that's how our system of law and government has always functioned. It just never anticipated we would vote for someone like Trump not once but twice. (Refraining from using some certain adjectives because of the wishy washy moderation on here)

Man, this has been the weirdest fucking morning to wake up to with all this Biden news. Up at 3:30 for a flight with a toddler and can't tell what is real or not anymore lmfao.

He kept stumbling on stairs

Well to be fair the stairs weren't a problem at the debate, he just happened to have Jill leading him down like I do my grandfather whose in a nursing home.

Buttigieg. Many Americans have probably never heard of them.

Have it disagree with Buttigieg. You're probably right in a general sense, with 90% of Americans probably not even realizing the Secretary of Transportation is a cabinet position much less know the name of whose in the position. But Buttigieg became a pretty public punching bag during the inflation shipping fiasco.

but even in his current situation he’s more alive than Biden and more coherent than Trump.

It's kind of weird that I didn't even realize he was alive, dude did a really good job of laying low after the whole Watergate thing lol

I also really don't envy KJP's job right now, because her career hangs on convincing the American public not to believe their lying eyes.

Being a press secretary seems like a terrible gig. Either the president you work under is amazing and you just keep things on auto-control, but if not you have to be really terrific at being a snake oil-salesman to not look like a clown.