Alright so looking past the psychosis what the hell is going on with the heart? It looks like a child drew a six pack on it. Also, you’re not a misunderstood misfit. The reason people hate you is because they know exactly what a piece of shit you are.

You don’t even want to know what he does if you knock.

Hey man at least it isn’t a fascist symbol

They didn’t specify what kind of luck and I think that’s appropriate.

Happy birthday you evil little bastard!

You have unfortunately hit the nail on the head.

There should be a flair for good execution but terrible placement.

Yea the tat itself is pretty cool but what in gods name is this placement. Helmets go on your head I guess.

Now there’s a Twilight Zone episode. Oh wait no this is real :(

A long ass fucking time ago…

All I have learned about Hal from this sub is that he was banging an under age alien and apparently he also uses the same defense as cops who turn off their body cams.

Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines and brother, I hurt people.

Or? You gonna beat someone up over dog poop?

Right? Would they prefer I just leave it on their lawn?