Yeah, I thought our recent inflation was driven by first COVID, then Russia, and finally business cartels removing goods and services from the market while the money stuck around.

Sesame oil is so delicious it should be criminal.

Lead Belly got me through those first 30 or so levels of survival before I understood things like how settlement water purifiers worked. My poor sole survivor was drinking from all the rivers and lakes (and more than once the Massachusetts Bay... I am not a smart man)

Did the recent updates fix it or something? I tried that trick to haul some power armor parts and my companion just didn't pick up half of them

I dunno, having lived through stretches of employment and periods where no one wanted to hire my skillset, I think there's something to the job guarantee. There's tons of facets of society that seem a bit neglected despite everything, and sometimes you just want to put your efforts towards something productive.

I'm all in favor of bringing back the CCC and the WPA. Like, let people who are between jobs put their energies towards helping maintain public infrastructure and parks and public care and whatnot. Automation doesn't fix these needs.

But also that doesn't have to be exclusive from a UBI. Job Guarantee programs should pay above UBI levels, in an ideal world.

Well, these laws are grounds for shareholders to band together and sue the company for decisions they believe are not in the best interests of the shareholders.

There are certainly individuals in positions of power in public companies that might stand for ethical behavior, but individuals get replaced fairly often, whether due to layoffs, finding a new job, or internally getting promoted/transferred. What persists are the institutions. As institutions, there is no real reason to assume anything other than unethical greed.

That option requires a company to not be publicly traded, due to laws around fiduciary duties to shareholders etc.

It's a good rule of thumb: if it has a ticker symbol, it has some level of unethical greed.

Sounds like the Sovereign Citizen movement applied to college undergraduates.

Maybe I'll call them Sovereign Classmates for kicks and giggles.

The root cause is physics. More precisely, it's the way that CO2 has an incredibly high absorptivity at wavelengths above 13 microns.

Presidents behaving criminally does tend to make liberals sad.

Why doesn't it bother conservatives?

If we believed we were dictating the climate cycle, experts wouldn't be worried.

The true arrogance is believing that the level of CO2 in the atmosphere can increase by 50% and expecting that nothing would meaningfully change with respect to the climate.

What you'll get is a bunch of dudes parroting the line "I swam in the water and I'm still here."

They might slowly lose tourism from outside the South, but I imagine they just ignore that part.

Well, it is making fun of "the left"... as far as MAGA defines it, which these days seems to mean "anyone moderately centrist or further left".

It's just specifically focused on the intersection of corporatism and branding as a way to pander to culture without actually doing anything meaningful (or even quietly working against the facade)... like how Disney is back to donating to Republicans in Florida even after the whole LGBT-woke-DeSantis battle.

/u/TheMuseumOfScience, I'm disappointed to see a lack of subtitles or closed captioning available. Doubly so, considering this is a video short about hearing loss, featuring a young scientist with hearing loss.

For those who can't hear, it's a quick layperson summary about how birds and reptiles can regenerate the hearing cells (hair cells) in their hearing organ, while mammals cannot naturally do the same in the cochlea. I guess it features this young scientist working at BCH, which does have a good number of labs that study different aspects of hearing.

Universities do the same thing for researchers and scholars, and it's made doctorate (and post-doctoral) research a cesspool of abuse.

Do schools have the same ability to tap an unlimited number of H visas?

Man in FO1 and 2 it seems easier to verbally provoke violence than it is to just have a complete conversation

This is a Dad-approved way to make edits for this subreddit.

Love the casual homophobia thrown in for good measure.

the article makes a conclusion about humans at the very beginning saying the study says “the exposure probably affects children’s health”. The linking to a study that in no way indicates that or even purports to.

Read the discussion section of the article in that case. It's not the original research from the authors; neither is it unfair of The Guardian to make the claim given the brief literature review given in the intro and discussion.

Okay, there a large variety of organic chemicals that have long half lives and are non-toxic, like DDT, and some PAH’s.

Neither DDT nor PAH compounds are non-toxic. Both are suspected human carcinogens and both have been found to generate tumors in animal models. You can find that information yourself with a very cursory review of resources from the EPA, CDC, and other alphabet soup agencies.

If you're going to critique the research, you should reallt focus on the peer-reviewed article, which was linked in the second paragraph of the summary written by The Guardian. News reports on scientific papers simply do not go into adequate detail to enable in depth critiques of anything.

The novelty of the paper seems to be centered not in the biodistribution of PFAS, but in the epigenetic impacts the PFAS cocktail has on the male sperm and the fact that these impacts could be seen in the offspring generation. The paper is not directly making conclusions about humans; it's making observations about the molecular mechanism.

Furthermore, it's worth noting that the review articles I mentioned directly state that ambient PFAS levels appear sufficient to cause immunotoxicity in children. It's not just about high polluters.

Finally, even your "salt" analogy is not an honest analog. Salt in the body is mostly aqueous: it's elemental ions that cannot be further reduced or changed outside of nuclear reactions. PFAS are large organic compounds. We're talking covalently bonded carbon chains. Organic chemistry is a very different situation compared to monoatomic ions like table salt.

Organic chemicals generally have a half-life before those carbon bonds break down. PFAS half-lives are impressively long and there are not yet known processes to catalyze their chemical decomposition. That is why they are called "forever chemicals*.

People who understand chemistry know this.

TL;DR: Neither your salt analogy nor your criticism of the science being published are that robust.

I haven't come across the scorched in my playthroughs yet, so no comment.

Centaurs are essentially creatures fused together, right? More like a plant grafting as best I can figure. I'm still on my FO1/2 playthroughs so I might miss some lore, but I thought they were also not capable of reproduction, which would again not raise them to the level of a species by our current rules of taxonomy.