Jemele Hill has written for The Atlantic --- hardly some fringe publication --- for 6 years now. She has a voice and it's a voice that gets a good deal of traction.

In 1983, the Detroit Red Wings drafted ALL of Steve Yzerman, Bob Probert, Joey Kocur and Stu Grimson.

All hockey fans know why!

Clark is hardly unique in being a trash-talker. And I disagree that she embellishes "all" contact and is "flopping."

I said what I said --- I disagree with the theory that "Clark is being bullied simply because she is a rookie."

Some (to repeat .... some, not all) folk view Clark as entitled and privileged, and want to see her knocked down a few pegs (if not outright fail).

Journalists like Jemele Hill (a black woman) have poured some gasoline on the Caitlin Clark fire.

There absolutely IS a bit of a racial component too Clark's WNBA reception. And it's not solely coming from the right-wing side.

Angel Reese --- a fellow rookie alongside Clark --- is at the FRONT of the "bullying Caitlin Clark" train.

It certainly is not simply that Clark is a rookie. There's a lot of petty jealousy involved too.

Very quick (0.5 secs in duration at most) rattle - 4th floor in Sherman Oaks. Walls creaked a bit. Given its nature, I'm not surprised it was a close one.

:pennstate: :cincinnati: Penn State • Cincinnati


There was an instance ~ 10 years ago (Sandusky related, I think) where Penn State was being pressured pretty heavily on public record laws, that the school should be more open and transparent. There was even talk about how Pennsylvania law should be reformed on that front.

It took Pittsburgh and Temple --- the 2 other schools in the same "state-related" catgory with Penn State --- about 0.000000000000000001 seconds to jump to the defense of Penn State on that one. They were 100% in PSU's corner.

I'm not saying that to dog Pitt and Temple --- but in general, NONE of these entities are truly committed to transparency, and will not be shy at all about defending the ability of others to be equally non-transparent.

The thing, and anyone who is a hardcore tennis fan knows this ............. Djokovic was undeniably a prick and asshole when he first came onto the scene. He whined a lot, had a number of suspicious "I'm behind but i'm sick, cough cough, time to resign" type of moments. He threw temper tantrums all the time. He'd yell at ball boys and ball girls. Andy Roddick, who IMO is a legitimately good guy, infamously tried to literally kick his ass during the 2009 US Open*. And Roddick was 100% right at the time for wanting to!

And then Djokovic's family --- they were loud and obnoxious themselves!

This Atlantic article uses the word "unberable" --- and that's correct. Up through about 2011, he was unbearble!!!

But he got out of that part of his career, and morphed into an absolute warrior. A warrior who plays considerably better the higher the stakes. A warrior who is mentally tougher than everyone else on the tour.

I like him considerably more than I did 12 years ago, and that's irrespective of anything COVID related. He's an all-time great tennis player, and all-time mentally tough. And he's shown a fun personality too in recent years! And he certainly doesn't give a shit what his haters think about him.

* In retrospect, given the COVID situation, these Roddick comments are particularly hilarious. Roddick made fun of Djokovic for always having some sort of excuse --- cramps, bird flu, anthrax, SARS!!! (

Even before this minimum wage bill, In-n-Out (1) was almost universally paying higher wages than most other CA fast food restaurants, (2) was almost universally cheaper than most other CA fast food restaurants, and (3) was typically a better experience (quality of restaurant and quality of food) than most other CA fast food restaurants.

Newsom and his cronies tried to legislate a better future into existance --- but the fact is it always could have been done. You just need better companies than what the franchise chains have become.

For lack of a better way to put it -------- September 11 has THE all-time, "ultimate" visuals.

The towers themselves, the 2nd crash, the fireball, the gray smoke against a blue skyline, the falling man, the two collapses.

Pictures that may never be topped by any other event, in terms of both (1) how stunning the pictures are and (2) how they encapsulated the entire event.

If it was different: if the sky was a bit gray, if the 2 crashes happened 2 minutes apart so that neither crash was on live TV, if there weren't jumpers, if there weren't collapses --- then the event wouldn't resonate quite as much as it does even 22.5 years later.

But it wasn't different. It all got captured in the "ultimate" visuals, so it became an "ultimate" event.

:pennstate: :cincinnati: Penn State • Cincinnati

LOL. So he took the 8 college football blue-bloods and chopped 2 of them off his list.

This is a master-class in (1) stating the obvious while (2) simultaneously pissing off Texas fans. Well done.

:pennstate: :cincinnati: Penn State • Cincinnati

How about pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft? 32 f's --- one for every year IU has gone since winning a single Bowl game.

Now, I DID give Indiana credit for their 2013 win over a good Penn State team. I don't hate Indiana football. I do sort of despise creatures like you who wade into a discussion and then can't provide an argument as to why "IU should have ever been considered the 9th best team in 2020." If you do present an argument, I'll respond, otherwise I'm done.

:pennstate: :cincinnati: Penn State • Cincinnati

I'm not angry, I simply made a case for why IU should have never been considered the 9th best team in 2020.

If you have a counter-argument, fair enough, let's see it.

:pennstate: :cincinnati: Penn State • Cincinnati

Let's not kid ourselves. You read it.

Anyway, I have nothing against IU --- but if you're going to celebrate a win over Penn State, make it the 2013 game. I was in Bloomington that day. IU beat a legitimately pretty good PSU team, and beat the stuffing out of them. And there were fans in the stands - something that you may have witnessed live instead of on a TV screen! And it was an actual season.

:pennstate: :cincinnati: Penn State • Cincinnati

6 regular season wins and not a single one of them over a team that finished over .500 in the regular season.

Yeesh. I mean, I get it, you'll dog on Penn State for getting to #9 "without beating anyone" --- but PSU at least typically beats teams that go 8-4 or 9-3. IU literally beat NOBODY good in 2020. Including in their Bowl game, where IU lost to the 5th-place SEC West team!

And then 2021. Pffffffffft, the most undeserved pre-season ranking ever for IU. Took about 2:00 of game time in the opener versus Iowa to figure out that the Hoosiers were back to their typical selves.

If Votto never plays in the MLB again, that also means that he was ejected from his last MLB game!

I wonder how many major leaguers all-time can say that?

My all-time favorite Votto ejection remains from a 2019 game at the Rockies. Game started 3+ hours late because of a rain delay, then it goes 4+ hours because of an offensive explosion. At this point it's the 9th Inning, 1:30 AM Denver time, Reds lead 17-9. Votto gets called out on a 3rd strike that really isn't a strike, but again, it's 1:30 and the umpires want to go home. Votto throws a tantrum and gets booted. Classic Joey.

Daunte Culpepper was a Detroit Lion too! He started 10 games across 2 different seasons!

(the Lions went 0-10 in those games, LOL)

:pennstate: :cincinnati: Penn State • Cincinnati

I'm surprised the UC Board of Regents isn't demanding UCLA BE a buy game for all their future OOC games, so they can collect more $$$ and funnel a portion of it up north to Berkeley.

:pennstate: :cincinnati: Penn State • Cincinnati

University of California, Berkeley Institute of Technology, Cannabis and Humanities.

THAT should be their new name.

:pennstate: :cincinnati: Penn State • Cincinnati

Yeah. This seems like a weird flex --- 3.0 isn't that hard, that they wouldn't have done it at least once before.

But George Floyd, like EVERY human being who has EVER lived, also was created by God and deserves a baseline degree of dignity.

Which means that his murderer --- the person who took his life when he had no right to --- deserves to be punished.

And that's what happened. So the legal system worked. Floyd and his family did receive justice.

Of course, none of the rest of us deserve to be labeled as racists (and all kinds of other labels) because of Floyd's murder. But that's a whole other topic.

Yep. We are not in a recession.

But your average American doesn't give a damn about the "technical definition" of a recession. They do give a damn about inflation, which is very apparent to them.

And Biden has, and this I feel is inarguable, done a sub-par job in taming inflation. And he's had 3+ years to tame it: no excuses (COVID, Trump, Russia, et cetera) any more.

Reds are way too low.

Us Reds fans don't even have Joey around anymore. Just year after year of mediocrity at best.

Regarding your last paragraph, this system has truly became insane.

  1. Company uses an algorithm to write job description.
  2. Applicant sees job description and uses an algorithm to create his resume and cover letter for application.
  3. Company uses an algorithm to judge resume and cover letter.

What the hell is this??? As you said, "dueling algorithms." That's no way at all to find actual true human talent.